# Copyright 2011-2014 Mario Mulansky # Copyright 2011-2014 Karsten Ahnert # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or # copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # make sure BOOST_ROOT is pointing to your boost directory # otherwise, set it here: # BOOST_ROOT = /path/to/boost INCLUDES += -I../../include/ -I$(BOOST_ROOT) GCCFLAGS = -O3 -ffast-math -DNDEBUG # disabling -ffast-math might give slightly better performance ICCFLAGS = -Ofast -xHost -ip -inline-forceinline -DNDEBUG # Possible options: -fp-model source -no-fma GFORTFLAGS = -Ofast bin/gcc: mkdir -p bin/gcc bin/intel: mkdir -p bin/intel bin/gfort: mkdir -p bin/gfort bin/gcc/odeint_rk4_array: odeint_rk4_array.cpp bin/gcc g++ ${GCCFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -o bin/gcc/odeint_rk4_array odeint_rk4_array.cpp bin/gcc/c_lorenz: c_lorenz.c bin/gcc gcc -std=c99 -Ofast -mtune=corei7-avx c_lorenz.c -o bin/gcc/c_lorenz bin/intel/odeint_rk4_array: odeint_rk4_array.cpp bin/intel icpc ${ICCFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} -o bin/intel/odeint_rk4_array odeint_rk4_array.cpp bin/intel/c_lorenz: c_lorenz.c bin/intel icc -std=c99 -Ofast -xHost -ansi-alias -o bin/intel/c_lorenz c_lorenz.c bin/gfort/fortran_lorenz: fortran_lorenz.f90 bin/gfort gfortran ${GFORTFLAGS} fortran_lorenz.f90 -o bin/gfort/fortran_lorenz all: bin/gcc/odeint_rk4_array bin/intel/odeint_rk4_array bin/gcc/c_lorenz bin/intel/c_lorenz bin/gfort/fortran_lorenz