# Copyright 2007 Andy Tompkins. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See # accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import testing ; test-suite uuid : # make sure each header file is self-contained [ compile compile_uuid.cpp ] [ compile compile_uuid.cpp : BOOST_UUID_NO_TYPE_TRAITS : compile_uuid_no_type_traits ] [ compile compile_uuid_io.cpp ] [ compile compile_uuid_serialize.cpp ] [ compile compile_uuid_generators.cpp ] [ compile compile_nil_generator.cpp ] [ compile compile_name_generator.cpp ] [ compile compile_string_generator.cpp ] [ compile compile_random_generator.cpp ] [ compile compile_seed_rng.cpp ] # test inclucing all .hpp files in 2 translations units # to look for issues when using multiple translation units # eg. missing inline on a global functionstate is not missing [ run test_include1.cpp test_include2.cpp ] # main test [ run test_uuid.cpp ] [ run test_uuid_no_simd.cpp ] # test uuid_io.hpp [ run test_io.cpp ] # test generators [ run test_nil_generator.cpp ] [ run test_name_generator.cpp ] [ run test_string_generator.cpp ] [ run test_random_generator.cpp ] # test tagging an object [ run test_tagging.cpp ] # test use cases [ run test_uuid_class.cpp ] [ run test_uuid_in_map.cpp ] # test serializing uuids [ run test_serialization.cpp ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization ] # TODO - This test fails to like with boost_wserialization #[ run test_wserialization.cpp # ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization # ../../serialization/build//boost_wserialization # : : : ../../config/test/all//BOOST_NO_STD_WSTREAMBUF #] # test sha1 hash function [ run test_sha1.cpp ] ;