[article Various blocks [quickbook 1.5] ] [heading Blockquotes] Here's a blockquote: [:Blockquote.] And another: [: Blockquote first paragraph. Blockquote second paragraph. ] [heading Admonitions] [warning Warning] [caution Caution] [important Important] [note Note] [tip Tip] [warning Warning first paragraph. Warning second paragraph.] [heading Blurb] [blurb Blurb] [heading Inline blocks] [: Blockquote containing a footnote[footnote Here it is!].] [/ Unfortunately footnotes currently can't contain blocks.] [/ Quickbook shouldn't think that this is a tip] [tipping point] Multiple paragraphs because of the inline blocks. [warning Warning] This line should appear as a separate paragraph.[warning Warning] * This should be a list item because it's preceded by block markup.