[/ Boost.Optional Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ] [section converter<> function object] [section Synopsis] namespace boost { namespace numeric { template class OverflowHandler = def_overflow_handler, class Float2IntRounder = Trunc< typename Traits::source_type >, class RawConverter = raw_converter, class UserRangeChecker = UseInternalRangeChecker > struct converter { typedef Traits traits ; typedef typename Traits::source_type source_type ; typedef typename Traits::argument_type argument_type ; typedef typename Traits::result_type result_type ; static result_type convert ( argument_type s ) ; result_type operator() ( argument_type s ) const ; // Internal member functions: static range_check_result out_of_range ( argument_type s ) ; static void validate_range ( argument_type s ) ; static result_type low_level_convert ( argument_type s ) ; static source_type nearbyint ( argument_type s ) ; } ; } } // namespace numeric, boost `boost::numeric::converter<>` is a __SGI_UNARY_FUNCTION__ encapsulating the code to perform a numeric conversion with the direction and properties specified by the Traits template parameter. It can optionally take some [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes policies] which can be used to customize its behavior. The `Traits` parameter is not a policy but the parameter that defines the conversion. [endsect] [section Template parameters] [table [[ ][ ]] [[`T`][ The [link boost_numericconversion.definitions.numeric_types Numeric Type] which is the ['Target] of the conversion. ]] [[`S`][ The [link boost_numericconversion.definitions.numeric_types Numeric Type] which is the ['Source] of the conversion. ]] [[`Traits`][ This must be a conversion traits class with the interface of [link boost_numericconversion.conversion_traits___traits_class `boost::numeric::conversion_traits`] ]] [[`OverflowHandler`][ [*Stateless Policy] called to administrate the result of the range checking. It is a [*Function Object] which receives the result of `out_of_range()` and is called inside the `validate_range()` static member function exposed by the converter. ]] [[`Float2IntRounder`][ [*Stateless Policy] which specifies the rounding mode used for float to integral conversions. It supplies the `nearbyint()` static member function exposed by the converter. ]] [[`RawConverter`][ [*Stateless Policy] which is used to perform the actual conversion. It supplies the `low_level_convert()` static member function exposed by the converter. ]] [[`UserRangeChecker`][ ['Special and Optional] [*Stateless Policy] which can be used to override the internal range checking logic. If given, supplies alternative code for the `out_of_range()` and `validate_range()` static member functions exposed by the converter. ]] ] [endsect] [section Member functions] [: `static result_type converter<>::convert ( argument_type s ) ; // throw `] This static member function converts an rvalue of type `source_type` to an rvalue of type `target_type`. If the conversion requires it, it performs a range checking before the conversion and passes the result of the check to the overflow handler policy (the default policy throws an exception if out-of-range is detected) The implementation of this function is actually built from the policies and is basically as follows: result_type converter<>::convert ( argument_type s ) { validate_range(s); // Implemented by the internal range checking logic // (which also calls the OverflowHandler policy) // or externally supplied by the UserRangeChecker policy. s = nearbyint(s); // Externally supplied by the Float2IntRounder policy. // NOTE: This is actually called only for float to int conversions. return low_level_convert(s); // Externally supplied by the RawConverter policy. } `converter<>::operator() const` just calls `convert()` __SPACE__ [: `static range_check_result numeric_converter<>::out_of_range ( argument_type s ) ;`] This [link numeric_conversion_converter_internal internal] static member function determines if the value `s` can be represented by the target type without overflow. It does not determine if the conversion is ['exact]; that is, it does not detect ['inexact] conversions, only ['out-of-range] conversions (see the [link boost_numericconversion.definitions.exact__correctly_rounded_and_out_of_range_representations Definitions] for further details). The return value is of enum type [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.enum_range_check_result `boost::numeric::range_check_result`] The actual code for the range checking logic is optimized for the combined properties of the source and target types. For example, a non-subranged conversion (i.e: `int`->`float`), requires no range checking, so `out_of_range()` returns `cInRange` directly. See the following [link boost_numericconversion.converter___function_object.range_checking_logic table] for more details. If the user supplied a [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.policy_userrangechecker UserRangeChecker] policy, is this policy which implements this function, so the implementation is user defined, although it is expected to perform the same conceptual check and return the appropriate result. __SPACE__ [: `static void numeric_converter<>::validate_range ( argument_type s ) ; // no throw `] This [link numeric_conversion_converter_internal internal] static member function calls out_of_range(s), and passes the result to the [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.policy_overflowhandler OverflowHandler] policy class. For those Target/Source combinations which don't require range checking, this is an empty inline function. If the user supplied a [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.policy_userrangechecker UserRangeChecker] policy, is this policy which implements this function, so the implementation is user defined, although it is expected to perform the same action as the default. In particular, it is expected to pass the result of the check to the overflow handler. __SPACE__ [: `static result_type numeric_converter<>::low_level_convert ( argument_type s ) ;` ] This [link numeric_conversion_converter_internal internal] static member function performs the actual conversion. This function is externally supplied by the [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.policy_rawconverter RawConverter] policy class. __SPACE__ [: `static source_type converter<>::nearbyint ( argument_type s ) ;`] This [link numeric_conversion_converter_internal internal] static member function, which is [_only used] for `float` to `int` conversions, returns an ['integer] value of ['[_floating-point type]] according to some rounding direction. This function is externally supplied by the [link boost_numericconversion.numeric_converter_policy_classes.policy_float2introunder Float2IntRounder] policy class which encapsulates the specific rounding mode. __SPACE__ [#numeric_conversion_converter_internal] [heading Internal Member Functions] These static member functions build the actual conversion code used by `convert()`. The user does not have to call these if calling `convert()`, since `convert()` calls them infernally, but they can be called separately for specific needs. [endsect] [section Range Checking Logic] The following table summarizes the internal range checking logic performed for each combination of the properties of Source and Target. LowestT/HighestT denotes the highest and lowest values of the Target type, respectively. `S(n)` is short for `static_cast(n)` (`S` denotes the Source type). `NONE` indicates that for this case there is no range checking. [pre [^ int_to_int |--> sig_to_sig |--> subranged |--> ( s >= S(LowestT) ) && ( s <= S(HighestT) ) | |--> not subranged |--> NONE | |--> unsig_to_unsig |--> subranged |--> ( s >= S(LowestT) ) && ( s <= S(HighestT) ) | |--> not subranged |--> NONE | |--> sig_to_unsig |--> pos subranged |--> ( s >= S(0) ) && ( s <= S(HighestT) ) | |--> not pos subranged |--> ( s >= S(0) ) | |--> unsig_to_sig |--> subranged |--> ( s <= S(HighestT) ) | |--> not subranged |--> NONE ] [^ int_to_float |--> NONE ] [^ float_to_int |--> round_to_zero |--> ( s > S(LowestT)-S(1) ) && ( s < S(HighestT)+S(1) ) |--> round_to_even_nearest |--> ( s >= S(LowestT)-S(0.5) ) && ( s < S(HighestT)+S(0.5) ) |--> round_to_infinity |--> ( s > S(LowestT)-S(1) ) && ( s <= S(HighestT) ) |--> round_to_neg_infinity |--> ( s >= S(LowestT) ) && ( s < S(HighestT)+S(1) ) ] [^ float_to_float |--> subranged |--> ( s >= S(LowestT) ) && ( s <= S(HighestT) ) |--> not subranged |--> NONE ] ] [endsect] [section Examples] #include #include int main() { typedef boost::numeric::converter Double2Int ; int x = Double2Int::convert(2.0); assert ( x == 2 ); int y = Double2Int()(3.14); // As a function object. assert ( y == 3 ) ; // The default rounding is trunc. try { double m = boost::numeric::bounds::highest(); int z = Double2Int::convert(m); // By default throws positive_overflow() } catch ( boost::numeric::positive_overflow const& ) { } return 0; } [endsect] [endsect]