GDAL FDO Raster Provider ======================== Implemented =========== o Support for reading file(s) based on DefaultRasterFileLocation in the connection string. o Support for reading files based on a config document (same format as for Rfp provider). o Supports reading Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, and Float32 datatypes. o Supports resizing image (SetImageXSize(), SetImageYSize()) (changing resolution). o Supports reading NullPixel() (with some limitations). o Selecting an area (clipping) using SetBounds(). o Selects Grey, paletted, RGB and RGBA image configurations. o Reading in pixel interleaved row-by-row order. o Converting data types (Int16 -> Byte). o Converting color models (RGBA -> RGB). o Reading in tiled format (other than one big tile or "strip" tiles). o Reading line or band (image) interleaved. o Linux builds. o Windows builds. Not Implemented =============== o Rotated datasets. o Multiple datasets (mosaiced). o 1bit (bitonal). o Palette support. o Proper SRS handling. o Generic metadata. o Selecting bands other than the default. o Single threaded GDAL access. o Unit tests (well partially implemented). Key Classes =========== FdoRfpImage: Hold access information about a GDALDataset, the bands, and datatype. FdoRfpBandRaster: Implement most of the IRaster methods from a single GDAL file. FdoRfpRasterUtil: Code to fetch imageinfo and georef when building up the raster list resultset. FdoRfpStreamReaderByTile: The actual stream reader used to read from GDAL. Does all re-interleaving, data type conversion and so forth.