.TH "gdal_pansharpen" 1 "Wed Jan 8 2020" "GDAL" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME gdal_pansharpen \- Perform a pansharpen operation\&. .PP (Since GDAL 2\&.1) .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen [--help-general] pan_dataset {spectral_dataset[,band=num]}+ out_dataset [-of format] [-b band]* [-w weight_val]* [-r {nearest,bilinear,cubic,cubicspline,lanczos,average}] [-threads {ALL_CPUS|number}] [-bitdepth val] [-nodata val] [-spat_adjust {union,intersection,none,nonewithoutwarning}] [-co NAME=VALUE]* [-q] .fi .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The gdal_pansharpen\&.py script performs a pan-sharpening operation\&. It can create a 'classic' output dataset (such as GeoTIFF), or a VRT dataset describing the pan-sharpening operation\&. .PP More details can be found in the \fCVRT tutorial\fP\&. .PP .IP "\fB\fB-of\fP \fIformat\fP:\fP" 1c Select the output format\&. Starting with GDAL 2\&.3, if not specified, the format is guessed from the extension (previously was GTiff)\&. Use the short format name\&. 'VRT' can also be used\&. .IP "\fB\fB-b\fP \fIband\fP:\fP" 1c Select band \fIband\fP from the input spectral bands for output\&. Bands are numbered from 1 in the order spectral bands are specified\&. Multiple \fB-b\fP switches may be used\&. When no -b switch is used, all input spectral bands are set for output\&. .IP "\fB\fB-w\fP \fIweight_val\fP:\fP" 1c Specify a weight for the computation of the pseudo panchromatic value\&. There must be as many -w switches as input spectral bands\&. .IP "\fB\fB-r\fP \fI{nearest,bilinear,cubic (default),cubicspline,lanczos,average}\fP:\fP" 1c Select a resampling algorithm\&. .IP "\fB\fB-threads\fP \fI{ALL_CPUS,number}\fP:\fP" 1c Specify number of threads to use to do the resampling and pan-sharpening itself\&. Can be an integer number or ALL_CPUS\&. .IP "\fB\fB-bitdepth\fP \fIval\fP:\fP" 1c Specify the bit depth of the panchromatic and spectral bands (e\&.g\&. 12)\&. If not specified, the NBITS metadata item from the panchromatic band will be used if it exists\&. .IP "\fB\fB-nodata\fP \fIval\fP:\fP" 1c Specify nodata value for bands\&. Used for the resampling and pan-sharpening computation itself\&. If not set, deduced from the input bands, provided they have a consistent setting\&. .IP "\fB\fB-spat_adjust\fP \fI{union (default),intersection,none,nonewithoutwarning}\fP:\fP" 1c Select behaviour when bands have not the same extent\&. See \fISpatialExtentAdjustment\fP documentation in \fCVRT tutorial\fP .IP "\fB\fB-co\fP \fI'NAME=VALUE'\fP:\fP" 1c Passes a creation option to the output format driver\&. Multiple \fB-co\fP options may be listed\&. See \fCformat specific documentation for legal creation options for each format\fP\&. .IP "\fB\fB-q\fP:\fP" 1c Suppress progress monitor and other non-error output\&. .IP "\fB\fIpan_dataset\fP\fP" 1c Dataset with panchromatic band (first band will be used)\&. .IP "\fB\fIspectral_dataset[,band=num]\fP\fP" 1c Dataset with one or several spectral bands\&. If the band option is not specified, all bands of the datasets are taken into account\&. Otherwise, only the specified (num)th band\&. The same dataset can be repeated several times\&. .IP "\fB\fIout_dataset\fP\fP" 1c Output dataset .PP .PP Bands should be in the same projection\&. .SH "EXAMPLE" .PP With spectral bands in a single dataset : .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen.py panchro.tif multispectral.tif pansharpened_out.tif .fi .PP .PP With a few spectral bands from a single dataset, reordered : .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen.py panchro.tif multispectral.tif,band=3 multispectral.tif,band=2 multispectral.tif,band=1 pansharpened_out.tif .fi .PP .PP With spectral bands in several datasets : .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen.py panchro.tif band1.tif band2.tif band3.tif pansharpened_out.tif .fi .PP .PP Specify weights: .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen.py -w 0.7 -w 0.2 -w 0.1 panchro.tif multispectral.tif pansharpened_out.tif .fi .PP .PP Specify RGB bands from a RGBNir multispectral dataset while computing the pseudo panchromatic intensity on the 4 RGBNir bands: .PP .nf gdal_pansharpen.py -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 panchro.tif rgbnir.tif pansharpened_out.tif .fi .PP .SH "AUTHORS" .PP Even Rouault