.TH "gdalmove" 1 "Wed Jan 8 2020" "GDAL" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME gdalmove \- Transform georeferencing of raster file in place\&. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP .PP .nf gdalmove.py [-s_srs ] -t_srs [-et ] target_file .fi .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The gdalmove\&.py script transforms the bounds of a raster file from one coordinate system to another, and then updates the coordinate system and geotransform of the file\&. This is done without altering pixel values at all\&. It is loosely similar to using gdalwarp to transform an image but avoiding the resampling step in order to avoid image damage\&. It is generally only suitable for transformations that are effectively linear in the area of the file\&. .PP If no error threshold value (-et) is provided then the file is not actually updated, but the errors that would be incurred are reported\&. If -et is provided then the file is only modify if the apparent error being introduced is less than the indicate threshold (in pixels)\&. .PP Currently the transformed geotransform is computed based on the transformation of the top left, top right, and bottom left corners\&. A reduced overall error could be produced using a least squares fit of at least all four corner points\&. .PP .IP "\fB\fB-s_srs\fP \fIsrs_defn\fP:\fP" 1c .PP Override the coordinate system of the file with the indicated coordinate system definition\&. Optional\&. If not provided the source coordinate system is read from the source file\&. .PP .IP "\fB\fB-t_srs\fP \fIsrs_defn\fP:\fP" 1c .PP Defines the target coordinate system\&. This coordinate system will be written to the file after an update\&. .PP .IP "\fB\fB-et\fP \fImax_pixel_err\fP:\fP" 1c .PP The error threshold (in pixels) beyond which the file will not be updated\&. If not provided no update will be applied to the file, but errors will be reported\&. .PP .IP "\fB\fItarget_file\fP\fP" 1c The file to be operated on\&. To update this must be a file format that supports in place updates of the geotransform and SRS\&. .PP .PP .SH "AUTHORS" .PP Frank Warmerdam warmerdam@pobox.com