// FIXME: is it a typo here or in IRIS itself: Perspective or Prespective ? "Prespective from geosync","Equidistant cylindrical","Gnomonic", /* 160 */ {"Bas_St_Wol", "Untergrenze strat. Bew|lkung", "hft", UC_NONE}, /* 161 */ {"Bas_St_Wol", "Untergrenze strat. Bew|lkung", "hPa", UC_NONE}, /* 164 */ {"Top_St_Wol", "Obergrenze strat. Bew|lkung", "hft", UC_NONE}, /* 165 */ {"Top_St_Wol", "Obergrenze strat. Bew|lkung", "hPa", UC_NONE}, "Icing Regime 1.Guess(1=gen,2=conv,3=strat,4=freez)", "1", "Icing Regime(1=general,2=convect,3=strat,4=freez)", "1", * The generated swig_type_info structures are assigned staticly to an initial * The generated swig_type_info structures are assigned staticly to an initial YUR = 0.0; YUR = oES.YUR; double YUR; l_segment->YUR = seg_data.GetDouble(nPos+215, 22); seg_data.Put(psOrbit->YUR,nPos+215,22,"%22.14f"); /* Putting statics in headers is trouble. */ /* When multiple interpeters are used, a module could have already been initialized in const char* pszNAM = record->GetStringSubfield("DSI", 0, "NAM", 0); const char* pszNAM = record->GetStringSubfield("FDR", iFDRFieldInstance++, "NAM", 0); "PRT!NAM", sizeOfFields[nFields] += WriteSubFieldStr(fd, osBaseFileName, 8); /* NAM */ sizeOfFields[nFields] += WriteSubFieldStr(fd, osNAM.c_str(), 8); /* NAM */ "NAM!STR!PRT!SWO!SWA!NEO!NEA", sizeOfFields[nFields] += WriteSubFieldStr(fd, osBaseFileName, 8); // NAM {136, "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"}, double eps[NANGLES], ua, va, ang, epsa; ang = uv2ang(ua, va); i = (int) ang; epsa = fabs(ang - (i+.5)); " UN=Metres,SD=HHWLT,DX=2.500000,DY=2.500000\n"); pszUnitsPer = CPLGetXMLValue( psSrcXML, "metresPerUnit", NULL ); {"kilometre", /* 15 */ 12, 13, 1000.0}, oSRS.SetLinearUnits( "kilometre", 1000.0 ); { "kilometre", SRS_UL_KILOMETER_CONV, "km" }, // Leave as 'kilometre' instead of SRS_UL_KILOMETER due to historical usage passport.stMapDescription.eUnitInPlan = SXF_COORD_MU_CENTIMETRE; passport.stMapDescription.eUnitInPlan = SXF_COORD_MU_MILLIMETRE; SXF_COORD_MU_CENTIMETRE, SXF_COORD_MU_MILLIMETRE, addSimpleType(&oTypes, "GVAKT_PROS", "geoVernAktivProsess", OFTString); addSimpleType(&oTypes, "GVVKT_PROS", "geoVernViktigProsess", OFTString); addSimpleType(&oTypes, "PROSESS_HISTORIE", "prosesshistorie", OFTString); ih.Put( "", 64, 64 ); // TODO: Spelling? {7, 110, "NAM Model - 15km version"}, {7, 111, "NAM model, generic resolution"}, {7, 115, "Downscaled GFS from NAM eXtension"}, {7, 130, "Merge of fields from the RUC, NAM, and Spectral Model"}, /* 0 */ {"ACCES", "Air concentration of Caesium 137", "Bq/(m^3)", UC_NONE}, : CPLGetXMLValue( psSrcXML, "metresPerUnit", NULL ); { "kilometre", SRS_UL_KILOMETER_CONV, "km" }, { CADObject::DIMENSION_ANG_3PT, "DIMENSION ANG 3PT" }, {"SCALING_FACTOR_ATM_PRES", 16, EDT_Float32, 1}, {"SCALING_FACTOR_SURF_PRES", 104, EDT_Float32, 1}, {"OFFSET_SURF_PRES", 208, EDT_Float32, 1}, /* now prec is nonzero iff there are any 16-bit quant tables. */ * a box is splittable iff norm > 0. boolean saw_JFIF_marker; /* TRUE iff a JFIF APP0 marker was found */ boolean saw_Adobe_marker; /* TRUE iff an Adobe APP14 marker was found */ // We will update the object count iff we are writing beyond the end. /* 1 */ {"PRES", "Pressure", "Pa", UC_NONE}, /* 1 */ {"PRES", "Pressure", "hPa", UC_NONE}, /* 0 */ {"PRES", "Pressure", "Pa", UC_NONE}, * copied iff they didn't exist before. ColorTransIn2 maps the old nearzero iff determinant < qh NEARzero[dim-1] facet->visitid= 0 iff vertex-at-infinity (i.e., unbounded) sets same iff vertices have the same orientation nearzero iff diagonal[k] < qh NEARzero[k] ogr2ogr --config OGR_STROKE_CURVE TRUE -SQL 'SELECT Rechtsstatus,publiziertAb,MetadatenGeobasisdaten,Eigentumsbeschraenkung,ZustaendigeStelle,Flaeche FROM "OeREBKRM09trsfr.Transferstruktur.Geometrie"' shpdir ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan.oereb_20131118.xtf,OeREBKRM09vs.imd OeREBKRM09trsfr.Transferstruktur.Geometrie /* 130 */ {"MSLET", "Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction)", "Pa", UC_NONE}, addSimpleType(&oTypes, "INST_EFFEKT", "installertEffekt", OFTInteger); const char sText[] = "infinit";