/****************************************************************************** * $Id: osr.i c92cc7b9bd8a8ae987d1ee2a1f764787ec3ef445 2018-09-16 10:52:21 +0900 Hiroshi Miura $ * * Project: GDAL SWIG Interfaces. * Purpose: OGRSpatialReference related declarations. * Author: Kevin Ruland, kruland@ku.edu * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2005, Kevin Ruland * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef SWIGPYTHON %nothread; #endif %include constraints.i #ifdef PERL_CPAN_NAMESPACE %module "Geo::OSR" #elif defined(SWIGCSHARP) %module Osr #elif defined(SWIGPYTHON) %module (package="osgeo") osr #else %module osr #endif #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %include swig_csharp_extensions.i #endif #ifndef SWIGJAVA %feature("compactdefaultargs"); #endif #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %csconst(1); #elif defined(SWIGJAVA) %javaconst(1); #endif %include "../../ogr/ogr_srs_api.h" #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %csconst(0); #elif defined(SWIGJAVA) %javaconst(0); #endif #ifndef SWIGCSHARP typedef int OGRAxisOrientation; #ifdef SWIGJAVA %javaconst(1); #endif %constant OAO_Other=0; %constant OAO_North=1; %constant OAO_South=2; %constant OAO_East=3; %constant OAO_West=4; %constant OAO_Up=5; %constant OAO_Down=6; #ifdef SWIGJAVA %javaconst(0); #endif #else %rename (AxisOrientation) OGRAxisOrientation; typedef enum OGRAxisOrientation { OAO_Other=0, OAO_North=1, OAO_South=2, OAO_East=3, OAO_West=4, OAO_Up=5, OAO_Down=6 }; #endif #if !defined(FROM_GDAL_I) && !defined(FROM_OGR_I) %inline %{ typedef char retStringAndCPLFree; %} #endif %{ #include using namespace std; #define CPL_SUPRESS_CPLUSPLUS #include "cpl_string.h" #include "cpl_conv.h" #include "ogr_srs_api.h" #ifdef DEBUG typedef struct OGRSpatialReferenceHS OSRSpatialReferenceShadow; typedef struct OGRCoordinateTransformationHS OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow; typedef struct OGRCoordinateTransformationHS OGRCoordinateTransformationShadow; #else typedef void OSRSpatialReferenceShadow; typedef void OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow; #endif %} typedef int OGRErr; #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %include osr_python.i #elif defined(SWIGCSHARP) %include osr_csharp.i #elif defined(SWIGJAVA) %include osr_java.i #elif defined(SWIGPERL) %include osr_perl.i #else %include gdal_typemaps.i #endif /****************************************************************************** * * Global methods * */ /************************************************************************/ /* GetWellKnownGeogCSAsWKT() */ /************************************************************************/ %apply Pointer NONNULL {const char* name}; %inline %{ OGRErr GetWellKnownGeogCSAsWKT( const char *name, char **argout ) { OGRSpatialReferenceH srs = OSRNewSpatialReference(""); OGRErr rcode = OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( srs, name ); if( rcode == OGRERR_NONE ) rcode = OSRExportToWkt ( srs, argout ); OSRDestroySpatialReference( srs ); return rcode; } %} /************************************************************************/ /* GetUserInputAsWKT() */ /************************************************************************/ %inline %{ OGRErr GetUserInputAsWKT( const char *name, char **argout ) { OGRSpatialReferenceH srs = OSRNewSpatialReference(""); OGRErr rcode = OSRSetFromUserInput( srs, name ); if( rcode == OGRERR_NONE ) rcode = OSRExportToWkt ( srs, argout ); OSRDestroySpatialReference( srs ); return rcode; } %} /************************************************************************/ /* GetProjectionMethods() */ /************************************************************************/ /* * Python has it's own custom interface to GetProjectionMethods().which returns * fairly complex structure. * * All other languages will have a more simplistic interface which is * exactly the same as the C api. * */ #if !defined(SWIGPYTHON) %rename (GetProjectionMethods) OPTGetProjectionMethods; %apply (char **CSL) {(char **)}; char **OPTGetProjectionMethods(); %clear (char **); %rename (GetProjectionMethodParameterList) OPTGetParameterList; #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (char **retAsStringArrayAndFree) {(char **)}; %apply (char **OUTPUT) { char **username }; #elif defined(SWIGPERL) %apply (char **CSL_REF) {(char **)}; #else %apply (char **CSL) {(char **)}; #endif char **OPTGetParameterList( char *method, char **username ); %clear (char **); %rename (GetProjectionMethodParamInfo) OPTGetParameterInfo; #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (char **OUTPUT) { char **usrname, char **type }; %apply (double *OUTPUT) { double *defaultval }; #endif void OPTGetParameterInfo( char *method, char *param, char **usrname, char **type, double *defaultval ); #endif /****************************************************************************** * * Spatial Reference Object. * */ %rename (SpatialReference) OSRSpatialReferenceShadow; class OSRSpatialReferenceShadow { private: OSRSpatialReferenceShadow(); public: %extend { #ifndef SWIGJAVA %feature("kwargs") OSRSpatialReferenceShadow; #endif OSRSpatialReferenceShadow( char const * wkt = "" ) { return (OSRSpatialReferenceShadow*) OSRNewSpatialReference(wkt); } ~OSRSpatialReferenceShadow() { if (OSRDereference( self ) == 0 ) { OSRDestroySpatialReference( self ); } } /* FIXME : all bindings should avoid using the #else case */ /* as the deallocator for the char* is delete[] where as */ /* OSRExportToPrettyWkt uses CPL/VSIMalloc() */ #if defined(SWIGCSHARP)||defined(SWIGPYTHON)||defined(SWIGJAVA) retStringAndCPLFree *__str__() { char *buf = 0; OSRExportToPrettyWkt( self, &buf, 0 ); return buf; } /* Adding __str__ to Perl bindings makes Swig to use overloading, which is undesirable since it is not used elsewhere in these bindings, and causes side effects. */ #elif defined(SWIGPERL) #else %newobject __str__; char *__str__() { char *buf = 0; OSRExportToPrettyWkt( self, &buf, 0 ); return buf; } #endif %apply Pointer NONNULL {OSRSpatialReferenceShadow* rhs}; int IsSame( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *rhs ) { return OSRIsSame( self, rhs ); } int IsSameGeogCS( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *rhs ) { return OSRIsSameGeogCS( self, rhs ); } int IsSameVertCS( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *rhs ) { return OSRIsSameVertCS( self, rhs ); } int IsGeographic() { return OSRIsGeographic(self); } int IsProjected() { return OSRIsProjected(self); } int IsCompound() { return OSRIsCompound(self); } int IsGeocentric() { return OSRIsGeocentric(self); } int IsLocal() { return OSRIsLocal(self); } int IsVertical() { return OSRIsVertical(self); } int EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() { return OSREPSGTreatsAsLatLong(self); } int EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting() { return OSREPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting(self); } OGRErr SetAuthority( const char * pszTargetKey, const char * pszAuthority, int nCode ) { return OSRSetAuthority( self, pszTargetKey, pszAuthority, nCode ); } const char *GetAttrValue( const char *name, int child = 0 ) { return OSRGetAttrValue( self, name, child ); } /* const char *__getattr__( const char *name ) { return OSRGetAttrValue( self, name, 0 ); } */ OGRErr SetAttrValue( const char *name, const char *value ) { return OSRSetAttrValue( self, name, value ); } /* OGRErr __setattr__( const char *name, const char *value ) { return OSRSetAttrValue( self, name, value ); } */ OGRErr SetAngularUnits( const char*name, double to_radians ) { return OSRSetAngularUnits( self, name, to_radians ); } double GetAngularUnits() { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetAngularUnits( self, 0 ); } // Added in GDAL 2.1 const char* GetAngularUnitsName() { char *name = 0; OSRGetAngularUnits( self, &name ); // This is really a const char* that is returned and shouldn't be freed return (const char*)name; } OGRErr SetTargetLinearUnits( const char *target, const char*name, double to_meters ) { return OSRSetTargetLinearUnits( self, target, name, to_meters ); } OGRErr SetLinearUnits( const char*name, double to_meters ) { return OSRSetLinearUnits( self, name, to_meters ); } OGRErr SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters( const char*name, double to_meters) { return OSRSetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters( self, name, to_meters ); } double GetTargetLinearUnits( const char *target_key ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetTargetLinearUnits( self, target_key, 0 ); } double GetLinearUnits() { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetLinearUnits( self, 0 ); } const char *GetLinearUnitsName() { const char *name = 0; if ( OSRIsProjected( self ) ) { name = OSRGetAttrValue( self, "PROJCS|UNIT", 0 ); } else if ( OSRIsLocal( self ) ) { name = OSRGetAttrValue( self, "LOCAL_CS|UNIT", 0 ); } if (name != 0) return name; return "Meter"; } const char *GetAuthorityCode( const char *target_key ) { return OSRGetAuthorityCode( self, target_key ); } const char *GetAuthorityName( const char *target_key ) { return OSRGetAuthorityName( self, target_key ); } /* Added in GDAL 2.1 */ const char *GetAxisName( const char *target_key, int iAxis ) { return OSRGetAxis( self, target_key, iAxis, NULL ); } /* Added in GDAL 2.1 */ OGRAxisOrientation GetAxisOrientation( const char *target_key, int iAxis ) { OGRAxisOrientation orientation = OAO_Other; OSRGetAxis( self, target_key, iAxis, &orientation ); return orientation; } OGRErr SetUTM( int zone, int north =1 ) { return OSRSetUTM( self, zone, north ); } int GetUTMZone() { // Note: we will return south zones as negative since it is // hard to return two values as the C API does. int bNorth = FALSE; int nZone = OSRGetUTMZone( self, &bNorth ); if( !bNorth ) nZone = -1 * ABS(nZone); return nZone; } OGRErr SetStatePlane( int zone, int is_nad83 = 1, char const *unitsname = "", double units = 0.0 ) { return OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits( self, zone, is_nad83, unitsname, units ); } OGRErr AutoIdentifyEPSG() { return OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG( self ); } #ifdef SWIGPYTHON void FindMatches( char** options = NULL, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow*** matches = NULL, int* nvalues = NULL, int** confidence_values = NULL ) { *matches = OSRFindMatches(self, options, nvalues, confidence_values); } #endif OGRErr SetProjection( char const *arg ) { return OSRSetProjection( self, arg ); } OGRErr SetProjParm( const char *name, double val ) { return OSRSetProjParm( self, name, val ); } double GetProjParm( const char *name, double default_val = 0.0 ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetProjParm( self, name, default_val, 0 ); } OGRErr SetNormProjParm( const char *name, double val ) { return OSRSetNormProjParm( self, name, val ); } double GetNormProjParm( const char *name, double default_val = 0.0 ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetNormProjParm( self, name, default_val, 0 ); } double GetSemiMajor( ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetSemiMajor( self, 0 ); } double GetSemiMinor( ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetSemiMinor( self, 0 ); } double GetInvFlattening( ) { // Return code ignored. return OSRGetInvFlattening( self, 0 ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetACEA; OGRErr SetACEA( double stdp1, double stdp2, double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetACEA( self, stdp1, stdp2, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetAE; OGRErr SetAE( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetAE( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetBonne; OGRErr SetBonne( double stdp, double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetBonne( self, stdp, cm, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetCEA; OGRErr SetCEA( double stdp1, double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetCEA( self, stdp1, cm, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetCS; OGRErr SetCS( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetCS( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetEC; OGRErr SetEC( double stdp1, double stdp2, double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetEC( self, stdp1, stdp2, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetEckertIV; OGRErr SetEckertIV( double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetEckertIV( self, cm, fe, fn); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetEckertVI; OGRErr SetEckertVI( double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetEckertVI( self, cm, fe, fn); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetEquirectangular; OGRErr SetEquirectangular( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetEquirectangular( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetEquirectangular2; OGRErr SetEquirectangular2( double clat, double clong, double pseudostdparallellat, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetEquirectangular2( self, clat, clong, pseudostdparallellat, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetGaussSchreiberTMercator; OGRErr SetGaussSchreiberTMercator( double clat, double clong, double sc, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetGaussSchreiberTMercator( self, clat, clong, sc, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetGS; OGRErr SetGS( double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetGS( self, cm, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetGH; OGRErr SetGH( double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetGH( self, cm, fe, fn ); } OGRErr SetIGH() { return OSRSetIGH( self ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetGEOS; OGRErr SetGEOS( double cm, double satelliteheight, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetGEOS( self, cm, satelliteheight, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetGnomonic; OGRErr SetGnomonic( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetGnomonic( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetHOM; OGRErr SetHOM( double clat, double clong, double azimuth, double recttoskew, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetHOM( self, clat, clong, azimuth, recttoskew, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetHOM2PNO; OGRErr SetHOM2PNO( double clat, double dfLat1, double dfLong1, double dfLat2, double dfLong2, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetHOM2PNO( self, clat, dfLat1, dfLong1, dfLat2, dfLong2, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetKrovak; OGRErr SetKrovak( double clat, double clong, double azimuth, double pseudostdparallellat, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetKrovak( self, clat, clong, azimuth, pseudostdparallellat, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetLAEA; OGRErr SetLAEA( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetLAEA( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetLCC; OGRErr SetLCC( double stdp1, double stdp2, double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetLCC( self, stdp1, stdp2, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetLCC1SP; OGRErr SetLCC1SP( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetLCC1SP( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetLCCB; OGRErr SetLCCB( double stdp1, double stdp2, double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetLCCB( self, stdp1, stdp2, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetMC; OGRErr SetMC( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetMC( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetMercator; OGRErr SetMercator( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetMercator( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetMercator2SP; OGRErr SetMercator2SP( double stdp1, double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetMercator2SP( self, stdp1, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetMollweide; OGRErr SetMollweide( double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetMollweide( self, cm, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetNZMG; OGRErr SetNZMG( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetNZMG( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetOS; OGRErr SetOS( double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian, double scale, double fe,double fn) { return OSRSetOS( self, dfOriginLat, dfCMeridian, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetOrthographic; OGRErr SetOrthographic( double clat, double clong, double fe,double fn) { return OSRSetOrthographic( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetPolyconic; OGRErr SetPolyconic( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetPolyconic( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetPS; OGRErr SetPS( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn) { return OSRSetPS( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetRobinson; OGRErr SetRobinson( double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetRobinson( self, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetSinusoidal; OGRErr SetSinusoidal( double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetSinusoidal( self, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetStereographic; OGRErr SetStereographic( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe,double fn) { return OSRSetStereographic( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetSOC; OGRErr SetSOC( double latitudeoforigin, double cm, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetSOC( self, latitudeoforigin, cm, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetTM; OGRErr SetTM( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetTM( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetTMVariant; OGRErr SetTMVariant( const char *pszVariantName, double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetTMVariant( self, pszVariantName, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetTMG; OGRErr SetTMG( double clat, double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetTMG( self, clat, clong, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetTMSO; OGRErr SetTMSO( double clat, double clong, double scale, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetTMSO( self, clat, clong, scale, fe, fn ); } %feature( "kwargs" ) SetVDG; OGRErr SetVDG( double clong, double fe, double fn ) { return OSRSetVDG( self, clong, fe, fn ); } OGRErr SetWellKnownGeogCS( const char *name ) { return OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( self, name ); } OGRErr SetFromUserInput( const char *name ) { return OSRSetFromUserInput( self, name ); } OGRErr CopyGeogCSFrom( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *rhs ) { return OSRCopyGeogCSFrom( self, rhs ); } #ifdef SWIGJAVA OGRErr SetTOWGS84( double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5, double p6, double p7 ) { #else OGRErr SetTOWGS84( double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4 = 0.0, double p5 = 0.0, double p6 = 0.0, double p7 = 0.0 ) { #endif return OSRSetTOWGS84( self, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 ); } OGRErr GetTOWGS84( double argout[7] ) { return OSRGetTOWGS84( self, argout, 7 ); } OGRErr SetLocalCS( const char *pszName ) { return OSRSetLocalCS( self, pszName ); } OGRErr SetGeogCS( const char * pszGeogName, const char * pszDatumName, const char * pszEllipsoidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, const char * pszPMName = "Greenwich", double dfPMOffset = 0.0, const char * pszUnits = "degree", double dfConvertToRadians = 0.0174532925199433 ) { return OSRSetGeogCS( self, pszGeogName, pszDatumName, pszEllipsoidName, dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, pszPMName, dfPMOffset, pszUnits, dfConvertToRadians ); } OGRErr SetProjCS( const char *name = "unnamed" ) { return OSRSetProjCS( self, name ); } OGRErr SetGeocCS( const char *name = "unnamed" ) { return OSRSetGeocCS( self, name ); } OGRErr SetVertCS( const char *VertCSName = "unnamed", const char *VertDatumName = "unnamed", int VertDatumType = 0) { return OSRSetVertCS( self, VertCSName, VertDatumName, VertDatumType ); } %apply Pointer NONNULL {OSRSpatialReferenceShadow* horizcs}; %apply Pointer NONNULL {OSRSpatialReferenceShadow* vertcs}; OGRErr SetCompoundCS( const char *name, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *horizcs, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *vertcs ) { return OSRSetCompoundCS( self, name, horizcs, vertcs ); } %apply (char **ignorechange) { (char **) }; OGRErr ImportFromWkt( char **ppszInput ) { return OSRImportFromWkt( self, ppszInput ); } %clear (char **); OGRErr ImportFromProj4( char *ppszInput ) { return OSRImportFromProj4( self, ppszInput ); } %apply Pointer NONNULL {char* url}; OGRErr ImportFromUrl( char *url ) { return OSRImportFromUrl( self, url ); } %apply (char **options) { (char **) }; OGRErr ImportFromESRI( char **ppszInput ) { return OSRImportFromESRI( self, ppszInput ); } %clear (char **); OGRErr ImportFromEPSG( int arg ) { return OSRImportFromEPSG(self, arg); } OGRErr ImportFromEPSGA( int arg ) { return OSRImportFromEPSGA(self, arg); } OGRErr ImportFromPCI( char const *proj, char const *units = "METRE", double argin[17] = 0 ) { return OSRImportFromPCI( self, proj, units, argin ); } OGRErr ImportFromUSGS( long proj_code, long zone = 0, double argin[15] = 0, long datum_code = 0 ) { return OSRImportFromUSGS( self, proj_code, zone, argin, datum_code ); } OGRErr ImportFromXML( char const *xmlString ) { return OSRImportFromXML( self, xmlString ); } %apply Pointer NONNULL {char const *proj}; %apply Pointer NONNULL {char const *datum}; OGRErr ImportFromERM( char const *proj, char const *datum, char const *units ) { return OSRImportFromERM( self, proj, datum, units ); } OGRErr ImportFromMICoordSys( char const *pszCoordSys ) { return OSRImportFromMICoordSys( self, pszCoordSys ); } %apply Pointer NONNULL {const char* const *papszLines}; %apply (char **options) { (const char* const *papszLines) }; OGRErr ImportFromOzi( const char* const *papszLines ) { return OSRImportFromOzi( self, papszLines ); } OGRErr ExportToWkt( char **argout ) { return OSRExportToWkt( self, argout ); } OGRErr ExportToPrettyWkt( char **argout, int simplify = 0 ) { return OSRExportToPrettyWkt( self, argout, simplify ); } OGRErr ExportToProj4( char **argout ) { return OSRExportToProj4( self, argout ); } %apply (char **argout) { (char **) }; %apply (double *argout[ANY]) { (double *parms[17] ) }; OGRErr ExportToPCI( char **proj, char **units, double *parms[17] ) { return OSRExportToPCI( self, proj, units, parms ); } %clear (char **); %clear (double *parms[17]); %apply (long *OUTPUT) { (long*) }; %apply (double *argout[ANY]) { (double *parms[15]) } OGRErr ExportToUSGS( long *code, long *zone, double *parms[15], long *datum ) { return OSRExportToUSGS( self, code, zone, parms, datum ); } %clear (long*); %clear (double *parms[15]); OGRErr ExportToXML( char **argout, const char *dialect = "" ) { return OSRExportToXML( self, argout, dialect ); } OGRErr ExportToMICoordSys( char **argout ) { return OSRExportToMICoordSys( self, argout ); } %newobject CloneGeogCS; OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *CloneGeogCS() { return (OSRSpatialReferenceShadow*) OSRCloneGeogCS(self); } %newobject Clone; OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *Clone() { return (OSRSpatialReferenceShadow*) OSRClone(self); } OGRErr Validate() { return OSRValidate(self); } OGRErr StripCTParms() { return OSRStripCTParms(self); } OGRErr FixupOrdering() { return OSRFixupOrdering(self); } OGRErr Fixup() { return OSRFixup(self); } OGRErr MorphToESRI() { return OSRMorphToESRI(self); } OGRErr MorphFromESRI() { return OSRMorphFromESRI(self); } %newobject ConvertToOtherProjection; OSRSpatialReferenceShadow* ConvertToOtherProjection(const char* other_projection, char **options = NULL) { return OSRConvertToOtherProjection(self, other_projection, options); } } /* %extend */ }; /****************************************************************************** * * CoordinateTransformation Object * */ // NEEDED // Custom python __init__ which takes a tuple. // TransformPoints which takes list of 3-tuples %rename (CoordinateTransformation) OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow; class OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow { private: OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow(); public: %extend { OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *src, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *dst ) { OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *obj = (OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow*) OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( src, dst ); return obj; } ~OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow() { OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( self ); } // Need to apply argin typemap second so the numinputs=1 version gets applied // instead of the numinputs=0 version from argout. #ifdef SWIGJAVA %apply (double argout[ANY]) {(double inout[3])}; #else %apply (double argout[ANY]) {(double inout[3])}; %apply (double argin[ANY]) {(double inout[3])}; #endif void TransformPoint( double inout[3] ) { if (self == NULL) return; OCTTransform( self, 1, &inout[0], &inout[1], &inout[2] ); } %clear (double inout[3]); void TransformPoint( double argout[3], double x, double y, double z = 0.0 ) { if (self == NULL) return; argout[0] = x; argout[1] = y; argout[2] = z; OCTTransform( self, 1, &argout[0], &argout[1], &argout[2] ); } #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %apply (double *inout) {(double*)}; #endif void TransformPoints( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { if (self == NULL) return; OCTTransform( self, nCount, x, y, z ); } #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %clear (double*); #endif } /*extend */ }; /* New in GDAL 1.10 */ %newobject CreateCoordinateTransformation; %inline %{ OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *CreateCoordinateTransformation( OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *src, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *dst ) { OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *obj = (OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow*) OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( src, dst ); return obj; } %} #ifdef SWIGPYTHON %thread; #endif