Build Tools

The following software is used during the process of building the FDO binaries.

Tool Description
autoconf produces shell scripts to configure software source code packages automatically; depends on GNU m4 (version 1.4 or greater)
automake generates files from input files
make controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files
bison a general purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description for an LALR context-free grammar into a C program to parse that grammar.
sed (streams editor) is a text filter tool. It takes text input, performs one or more operations on the text and outputs the modified text.
perl scripting language. This is used to build the FDO third-party OpenSSL components and to run the ArcSDE unit tests.

autoconf, automake, make, perl, and bison are in /usr/bin. sed is in /bin. By default, /usr/bin is in the PATH environment variable.

All of the build tools are part of the Linux distribution by default.

NoteThe FDO build requires the use of bison version 1.875. This happens to be the installed version on the Red Hat Linux machine used during the writing of this document. You can obtain an rpm for version 1.875-5 from

The following software is used during the process of building the FDO documentation.

Tool Description
doxygen generates API documentation from specially formattedcomments embedded in C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL, PHP, C#, and D.
graphviz is a graph drawing toolkit used by doxygen to draw class diagrams. The graphviz executable used by doxygen is dot.exe.

The following table shows the location of the documentation build tools.

Tool Location
doxygen /usr/local/bin
dot /usr/bin

The documentation build tools are part of the Linux distribution by default.