FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

IBaseSelectImp Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoISelect interface defines the Select command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an FdoIFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features).

Public Member Functions

__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS::IdentifierCollection * get_Ordering ()
 Gets the FdoIdentifierCollection that holds the list of order by property names. If empty no ordering is used. This list is initially empty and the caller need to add the property that the command should use as a order by criteria.
__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS::OrderingOption get_OrderingOption ()
 Gets the ordering option.
__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS::IdentifierCollection * get_PropertyNames ()
 Gets the FdoIdentifierCollection that holds the list of property names to return with the result. If empty all properties of the specified class are returned.
__property System::Void set_OrderingOption (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS::OrderingOption option)
 Set the ordering option of the selection. This is only used if the ordering collection is not empty.

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