FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

mgIPhysicalElementMapping.h File Reference

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandlerChoiceSubElementError (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON::StringCollection *subElements)
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandlerDuplicateSubElementError (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement, System::String *subElementName)
__property System::Boolean get_CanSetName ()
__property System::String * get_Name ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
__property System::String * get_QualifiedName ()
 Sets the name of this element.
__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS_SCHEMA::PhysicalSchemaMapping * get_SchemaMapping ()
 Gets the FdoPhysicalSchemaMapping that this element is a part of. Returns null if this object has not been added to a feature schema.
System::Void InitFromXml (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext *context, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlAttributeCollection *attributes)
 Initializes this Physical Element Mapping from its XML attributes. Called when the element is deserialized from XML. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes for derived classes.
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandlerMultiSubElementError (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement)
__property System::Void set_Name (System::String *name)
 Gets the name of this element.
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::IXmlSaxHandlerSubElementError (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement)
System::Void WriteXml (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_XML::XmlWriter *xmlWriter, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_XML::XmlFlags *flags)
 Writes this Physical Mapping Element to XML. Called when the element is serialized to XML. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes and sub-elements for derived classes.


public __gc __interface IPhysicalElementMapping
 FdoPhysicalElementMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:.
public __gc __interface 

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