FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

mgIConnectionCapabilities.h File Reference

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__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS_LOCKING::LockType get_LockTypes ()[]
 Gets an array of the FdoLockType values supported by the feature provider.
__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS_SPATIALCONTEXT::SpatialContextExtentType get_SpatialContextTypes ()[]
 Gets the spatial context extent types supported by the feature provider.
System::Boolean SupportsConfiguration ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports XML configuration.
System::Boolean SupportsCSysWKTFromCSysName ()
 Determines if the provider supports specifying the coordinate system by name or ID without specifying the WKT when creating a new spatial context.
System::Boolean SupportsLocking ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports persistent locking.
System::Boolean SupportsLongTransactions ()
 Determines true if the feature provider supports long transactions.
System::Boolean SupportsMultipleSpatialContexts ()
 Determines if the provider supports multiple spatial contexts.
System::Boolean SupportsSQL ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports SQL commands.
System::Boolean SupportsTimeout ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports connection timeout.
System::Boolean SupportsTransactions ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports transactions.


public __gc __interface 
 The FdoIConnectionCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's capabilities.

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