
The configuration wizard presents you with the following configuration defaults.

  1. Detailed Configuration
  2. Multifunctional Database
  3. default InnoDB Tablespace Setting
  4. Decision Support (DSS)/OLAPA
  5. Enable TCP/IP Networking (using Port Number 3306)
  6. Enable Strict Mode
  7. Standard Character Set
  8. Install As Windows Service (Service Name = MySQL with the service started automatically)
  9. Modify Security Settings (you must provide a root password (twice) and if you deinstalled an existing MySQL database, you must provide a current password)

You may optionally request that the bin directory be added the the Windows PATH environment variable. Do so. The wizard will add that directory to the end of %PATH%. The bin folder contains the libmysql.dll used by the MySQL provider.

NoteIf you have PHP installed on your machine, make sure that C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin precedes the PHP path in the PATH environment variable. The PHP installation contains a copy of the libmysql.dll and it is important for the operation of the MySQL provider that the correct DLL is used.

The configuration wizard creates a configuration file (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\my.ini). It starts the MySQL service (mysqld) using options specified in my.ini.

You can use the Fdo User Manager API to create a user account with the usage privilege if you are using the enterprise version of FDO. Otherwise you can use the 2 SQL commands, create user <user> identified by ‘<password>’ and grant select, insert, update, delete, create, create view, drop, index, alter on *.* to ‘<user>’@’%’ identified by ‘<password>’. In either case you must be connected as a user, for example, root, with the grant privilege. The value <user> can be ‘<username>’@’localhost’ if the connection local, or it must be ‘<username>’@’,hostname.’ if the connection is remote. The value of <hostname> is <host label>.<domain name>, for example,

NoteIf you enabled remote root access when you installed MySQL, you can create user accounts by way of a remote connection. Otherwise, you will have to connect locally in order to create a user account.

You can use the Fdo Data Store Management API to create a data store.