Connection API

The following table shows the connection properties for each provider. “T” means true, and “F” means false. For important details, refer to the associated Notes.

DV=Default Value; R=Required; P=Protected; FN=FileName; FP=FilePath; D=Datastore; E=Enumerable
Provider/Properties DV R P FN FP D E Notes
   Server   T F F F F F 1
   Instance   T F F F F F 2
   Username   T F F F F F 3,4
   Password   T T F F F F 3,4
   Datastore   F F F F T T 5,6
OSGeo.MySQL.3.0               7
   Username   T F F F F F 8
   Password   T T F F F F 8
   Service   T F F F F F 9
   DataStore   F F F F T T 10
OSGeo.ODBC.3.0               11
   DataSourceName   F F F F F T 12
   UserId   F F F F F F 13
   Password   F T F F F F 13
   ConnectionString   F F F F F F  
   GenerateDefaultGeometryProperty True F F F F F F  
OSGeo.SDF.3.0               19
   File   T F T F F F 18
   ReadOnly False F F F F F T 20
OSGeo.SHP.3.0               21
   DefaultFileLocation   F F T F F F 22
   TemporaryFileLocation   F F T F F F 23
   FeatureServer   T F F F F F  
   Username   F F F F F F  
   Password   F F F F F F  
   FeatureServer   T F F F F F  
   Username   F F F F F F  
   Password   F F F F F F  
   DefaultImageHeight   F F F F F F  
  1. The value of the Server property is the name or IP address of the host where the ArcSDE 9.1 Server instance runs.
  2. The value of the Instance property defines the port and protocol to use when communicating with the ArcSDE server. This instance name must be mapped to the TCP/IP listen port used by the Server to accept connection requests. This mapping is stored in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services file and has the form "instance_name portnum / protocol # comment ". For example, "esri_sde_oracle 5151/tcp #ArcSDE Server listening port". There can be multiple instances because the server can connect to multiple back-end database technologies, for example, both Oracle and SQL Server.
  3. You must create the username and password from the sqlplus command-line when FDO Providerfor ArcSDE is using Oracle as the back-end database technology.
    1. sql> connect sys/ password as sysdba
    2. sql> create user username identified by password ;
    3. sql> grant connect, resource, select any table, insert any table, update any table, delete any table to username ;
  4. You must create the username and password from the Enterprise Manager when FDO Provider for ArcSDE is using SQL Server as the back-end database technology. The following procedure adds a new login user named name with password password who must login to the SQL Server using SQL Server authentication. The user named name is given the global privilege, Database Creators, and is added to a database with privileges, db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.
    1. On the Windows Start menu, click Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server, click Enterprise Manager.
    2. In the Enterprise Manager application window, click Console Root, click Microsoft SQL Servers, click SQL Server Group, click GroupName, click Security, click Logins, click New Login. The SQL Server Login Properties - New Login dialog box is displayed.
    3. In the SQL Server Login Properties - New Login dialog box, click the tab labeled General, type name in the text entry box labeled Name, click the radio button labeled SQL Server Authentication, type a password in the text entry box labeled Password.
    4. Click the tab labeled Server Roles, click the check-box labeledDatabase Creators
    5. Click the tab labeled Database Access, click the check-box in the column labeled Permit next to the name of the database to which you are adding this user, click the check-boxes in the column labeled Permit in Database Role next to the labels db_ddl_admin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.
    6. Click OK. The Confirm Password dialog box is displayed.
    7. In the Confirm Password dialog box, type password in the text entry box labeled Password, click OK.
    8. In the SQL Server Login Properties - New Login dialog box, click OK.
  5. When FDO Provider for ArcSDE is using Oracle as the back-end database, the value of DataStore is always 'Default Datastore'.
  6. When FDO Provider for ArcSDE is using SQL Server as the back-end database, the value of DataStore is one of the values in the list of databases supported by that instance of the SQL Server.
  7. During the Windows installation of MySQL, be sure to specify a password for the root account.
  8. See User Management APIfor information about adding a username and password.
  9. The value of the Service property is localhost for a local connection and a valid domain name for a remote connection. A firewall at the remote end can prevent a connection from succeeding. However, note that the exception message will not tell you that this is the cause.
  10. The value of the DataStore property is one of the values enumerated in the connection property dictionary after opening a partial connection to the provider. For more information about how this is done, see the paragraphs that introduce this table.
  11. Initially, you use this provider to access feature source files created using either MS Access or Excel.
  12. Use a Windows OS administrative tool to define a DSN (data source name). This action associates a symbolic name with a file path. Do the following to add a User DSN for a Microsoft Access database file.
    1. On the Windows Start menu, click Settings, click Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, click Data Sources (ODBC). The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Data Source Administrator dialog box, click User DNS , click Add. The Create New Data Source dialog box is displayed.
    3. In the Create New Data Source dialog box, click Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb), click Finish. The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box is displayed.
    4. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box, in the text entry box labeled Data Source Name , type the name of the data source, click Select. The Select Database dialog box is displayed.
    5. In the Select Database dialog box, select directory, select file, click OK.
    6. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box, click OK.
    7. In the Data Source Administrator dialog box, click OK.
  13. Optional properties, depending on the data source.
  14. This is a file name. The named file is in the local file system.
  15. The SDF provider supports the .sdf file type.
  16. If True, only read operations on the file are permitted.
  17. The SHP provider supports the .shp file type and the .dbf file type.
  18. The DefaultFileLocation can be either a directory in the file system or the name of an existing file.
  19. The TemporaryFileLocation is a folder where the SHP provider creates files that are normally co-located with the .shp file named in the DefaultFileLocation property, but are, for some reason, missing. These files have file types .shx, .sbn, .idx, .dbf, and .sbx.