FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

SpatialOperations.h File Reference

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enum  FdoSpatialOperations {
  FdoSpatialOperations_Contains, FdoSpatialOperations_Crosses, FdoSpatialOperations_Disjoint, FdoSpatialOperations_Equals,
  FdoSpatialOperations_Intersects, FdoSpatialOperations_Overlaps, FdoSpatialOperations_Touches, FdoSpatialOperations_Within,
  FdoSpatialOperations_CoveredBy, FdoSpatialOperations_Inside, FdoSpatialOperations_EnvelopeIntersects
 The FdoSpatialOperations enumeration lists the spatial conditions available.
FdoSpatialOperations_Contains Test to see if the geometric property value spatially contains the literal geometric value
FdoSpatialOperations_Crosses Test to see if the geometric property value spatially crosses the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Disjoint Test to see if the geometric property value spatially is spatially disjoint from the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Equals Test to see if the geometric property value is spatially equal to the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Intersects Test to see if the geometric property value spatially intersects the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Overlaps Test to see if the geometric property value spatially overlaps the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Touches Test to see if the geometric property value spatially touches the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Within Test to see if the geometric property value is spatially within the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_CoveredBy Test to see if the geometric property value is covered by the interior and boundary of the given geometry
FdoSpatialOperations_Inside Test to see if the geometric property value is inside the interior of the given geometry, not touching the boundary
FdoSpatialOperations_EnvelopeIntersects Test to see if the envelope of the referenced geometric property value intersects the given geometry
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