FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

ConflictType.h File Reference

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enum  FdoConflictType { FdoConflictType_LockConflict, FdoConflictType_VersionConflict, FdoConflictType_Unsupported }
 The FdoConflictType enumeration defines conflict types required to identify the lock type of a conflict reported with the lock conflict reader.
FdoConflictType_LockConflict Identifies a reported conflict in the lock conflict reader as a lock conflict. A conflict represents a lock conflict if an object the user requests to be locked is already locked by a different user.
FdoConflictType_VersionConflict Identifies a reported conflict in the lock conflict reader as a version conflict. A conflict represents a version conflict if an object the user requests to be locked has already been versioned.
FdoConflictType_Unsupported Indicates that an unsupported or unknown conflict type has been encountered.
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