

The object and variable declarations are the following:

FdoICommandCapabilities * commandCapabilities;

// this will contain values of type FdoCommandType and

// possibly values of type FdoRdbmsCommandType, which are

// provider-specific commands

GisInt32 * commandTypes;
bool supportsParameters;
bool supportsTimeout;
bool supportsSelectExpressions;
bool supportsSelectFunctions;
bool supportsSelectDistinct;
bool supportsSelectOrdering;
bool supportsSelectGrouping;

Method Calls

The method calls are the following:

commandCapabilities = connection->GetCommandCapabilities();

// this returns a list of command types

commandTypes = commandCapabilities->GetCommands();

// loop through the commandTypes

supportsParameters = commandCapabilities->SupportsParameters();
supportsTimeout = commandCapabilities->SupportsTimeout();
supportsSelectExpressions = commandCapabilities->
supportsSelectFunctions = commandCapabilities->
supportsSelectDistinct = commandCapabilities->
supportsSelectOrdering = commandCapabilities->
supportsSelectGrouping = commandCapabilities->


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