FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

mgICreateMeasureUnit.h File Reference

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System::Void Execute ()
 Executes the CreateMeasureUnit command. If the measure unit already exists and the update existing flag is set to false, an exception is thrown.
 Gets the base units that define the measure unit to create or update as an FdoBaseUnit value.
__property System::String * get_Description ()
 Gets the description of the measure unit to create or update as a string.
__property System::String * get_Name ()
 Gets the name of the measure unit to create or update as a string.
__property System::Double get_ScaleFactor ()
 Gets the scale factor to be applied to the base unit in order to get one of the units being defined.
__property System::Boolean get_UpdateExisting ()
 Gets a Boolean flag that indicates how the CreateMeasureUnit command should behave if the measure unit already exists. If update existing is true and a measure unit with the specified abbreviation already exists then it will be updated. If update existing is false and a measure unit with the specified abbreviation already exists, command execution will fail.
__property System::Void set_Abbreviation (System::String *value)
 Sets the abbreviation of the measure unit to create or update as a string. Abbreviations must be unique because they define the identity of a measurement unit.
__property System::Void set_BaseUnit (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_COMMANDS_UNITOFMEASURE::BaseUnit value)
 Sets the base units that define the measure unit to create or update as an FdoBaseUnit value.
__property System::Void set_Description (System::String *value)
 Sets the description of the measure unit to create or update as a string.
__property System::Void set_Name (System::String *value)
 Sets the name of the measure unit to create or update as a string.
__property System::Void set_ScaleFactor (System::Double value)
 Sets the scale factor to be applied to the base unit in order to get one of the units being defined.
__property System::Void set_UpdateExisting (System::Boolean value)
 Sets a Boolean flag that indicates how the CreateMeasureUnit command should behave if the measure unit already exists. If update existing is true and a measure unit of the specified name already exists, it will be updated. If update existing is false and a measure unit of the specified name already exists, command execution will fail.


public __gc __interface 
 The FdoICreateMeasureUnit interface defines the CreateMeasureUnit command, which creates or updates a measurement unit. Input to the command includes the abbreviation, name, description, measure type, base unit, and scale factor that defines the measure unit. The update existing flag indicates how the command should behave in the presence of an existing measure unit. If it is false, and the specified measure unit already exists, command execution will fail. If it is true, the command will either create a new measure unit or update an existing one.

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