FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

IListDataStoresImp Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoIListDataStores interface defines the list datastores command, which provides a way to get a list of datastores at a particular server.

Public Member Functions

 Executes the FdoIListDataStores command.
__property System::Boolean get_IncludeNonFdoEnabledDatastores ()
 Gets the flag that indicates whether to include or not include Non-FDO enabled datastores in the returned list. These are also referred to as “Foreign?datastores.
__property System::Void set_IncludeNonFdoEnabledDatastores (System::Boolean include)
 Sets the flag to indicate whether to include or not include Non-FDO enabled datastores in the returned list. These are also referred to as “Foreign?datastores.

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