FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

ISQLDataReaderImp Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoISQLDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an FdoISQLDataReader is returned from the SQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the FdoISQLDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.

Public Member Functions

System::Void Close ()
 Closes the FdoISQLDataReader object, freeing any resources it may be holding.
System::Boolean GetBoolean (System::String *name)
 Gets the Boolean value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Boolean or an exception is thrown.
System::Byte GetByte (System::String *name)
 Gets the byte value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Byte or an exception is thrown.
System::Int32 GetColumnCount ()
 Gets the number of columns in the result set.
System::String * GetColumnName (System::Int32 index)
 Gets the name of the column at the given ordinal position.
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_SCHEMA::DataType GetColumnType (System::String *name)
 Gets the data type of the column with the specified name.
System::DateTime GetDateTime (System::String *name)
 Gets the date time value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_DateTime or an exception is thrown.
System::Double GetDouble (System::String *name)
 Gets the double-precision floating point value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be of type Double or an exception is thrown.
System::Byte GetGeometry (System::String *name)[]
 Gets the geometry value of the specified column as a byte array in FGF format. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be of Geometric type or an exception is thrown.
System::Int16 GetInt16 (System::String *name)
 Gets the signed 16-bit integer value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Int16 or an exception is thrown.
System::Int32 GetInt32 (System::String *name)
 Gets the signed 32-bit integer value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Int32 or an exception is thrown.
System::Int64 GetInt64 (System::String *name)
 Gets the signed 64-bit integer value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Int64 or an exception is thrown.
 Gets a LOBValue reference. The LOB is fully read in and data available. Because no conversion is performed, the property must be FdoDataType_BLOB or FdoDataType_CLOB etc. (a LOB type).
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON::IStreamReaderGetLOBStreamReader (System::String *name)
 Gets a reference of the specified LOB property as a FdoBLOBStreamReader or FdoCLOBStreamReader etc. to allow reading in blocks of data. Because no conversion is performed, the property must be FdoDataType_BLOB or FdoDataType_CLOB etc. (a LOB type) Cast the FdoIStreamReader to the appropiate LOB Stream Reader.
NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_SCHEMA::PropertyType GetPropertyType (System::String *name)
 Gets the FDO property type of the column with the specified name. This is used to indicate if a given column is a geometric property or a data property. If the column is a FdoPropertyType_DataProperty, then GetColumnType can be used to find the data type of the column.
System::Single GetSingle (System::String *name)
 Gets the single-precision floating point value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_Single or an exception is thrown.
System::String * GetString (System::String *name)
 Gets the string value of the specified column. No conversion is performed, thus the column must be FdoDataType_String or an exception is thrown.
System::Boolean IsNull (System::String *name)
 Returns true if the value of the specified column is null.
System::Boolean ReadNext ()
 Advances the reader to the next item. The default position of the reader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.

Protected Member Functions

__sealed System::Void ReleaseUnmanagedObject ()

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