FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

ILongTransactionReaderImp Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoILongTransactionReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transactions. A reference to an FdoILongTransactionReader is returned from the GetLongTransactions command. The initial position of the FdoILongTransactionReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.

Public Member Functions

System::Void Close ()
 Closes the FdoILongTransactionReader object, freeing any resources it may be holding.
 Provides access to the direct descendent long transactions for the long transaction being currently read. The caller can use the returned reader to get to the next level of descendents if required. The returned reader is empty if there are no descendents for the long transction.
System::DateTime GetCreationDate ()
 Retrieves the creation date of the long transaction currently being read.
System::String * GetDescription ()
 Retrieves the description of the long transaction currently being read.
System::String * GetName ()
 Retrieves the name of the long transaction currently being read.
System::String * GetOwner ()
 Retrieves the owner of the long transaction currently being read.
 Provides access to the direct ascendant long transactions for the long transaction being currently read. The caller can use the returned reader to get to the next level of ascendants if required. The returned reader is empty if there are no ascendants for the long transaction.
System::Boolean IsActive ()
 Returns true if the long transaction currently being read is the active long transaction.
System::Boolean IsFrozen ()
 Returns true if the long transaction currently being read is frozen.
System::Boolean ReadNext ()
 Advances the reader to the next item. The default position of the reader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.

Protected Member Functions

__sealed System::Void ReleaseUnmanagedObject ()

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