#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Autodesk, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # This script does not expect any command-line arguments. Simply call with "perl SetupTestData.perl". # Most configuration is hardcoded within the script; edit the section "Hardcoded Settings" before running. RunMain (); sub RunMain { # HARDCODED SETTINGS -- EDIT THIS PORTION OF THE SCRIPT BEFORE RUNNING! # =========================================================================================================== $SHP_ROOT="C:\\_Pierre\\TestDatabase"; # Root directory where the input SHP files are located (e.g. D:\\Providers\\ArcSDE\\TestData\\TestDatabase) $ARCSDEUNITTESTDIR="C:\\_Pierre\\ArcSDEUnitTestDebug"; # Directory containing ArcSDE Provider's UnitText.exe # Oracle settings: $INSTALLORACLE="Y"; # Whether or not to install data for Oracle, can be "Y" or "N" $ORACLEADMINNAME="sys"; # The Oracle user name used to create users and grant them privileges $ORACLEADMINPASSWORD="system"; # The above Oracle user's password. $ORACLESDEPORT="esri_sde_oracle"; # The port/protocol to use when connecting to ArcSDE Server $ORACLESDEHOME="c:\\arcgis1\\arcsde\\ora9iexe"; # The SDEHOME directory for the Oracle ArcSDE Server $ORACLESDEPASSWORD="system"; # The SDE database user's password $ORACLESDESERVER="localhost"; # The ArcSDE Server's host name or IP $ORACLESUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS="no"; # Whether or not this ArcSDE Server supports user-managed string id columns # SQL Server settings: $INSTALLSQLSERVER="N"; # Whether or not to install data for SQL Server, can be "Y" or "N" $SQLSERVERADMINNAME="sa"; # The SQL Server user name used to create users and grant them privileges $SQLSERVERADMINPASSWORD="system"; # The above SQL Server user's password. $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_MULTIDB="5152/tcp"; # The port/protocol to use when connecting to ArcSDE Server (the "multidb" instance) $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_SINGLEDB="5153/tcp"; # The port/protocol to use when connecting to ArcSDE Server (the "singledb" instance) $SQLSERVERSDEHOME="c:\\arcgis\\arcsde\\sqlexe"; # The SDEHOME directory for the SQL Server ArcSDE Server $SQLSERVERSDEPASSWORD="system"; # The SDE database user's password $SQLSERVERSDESERVER="localhost"; # The ArcSDE Server's host name or IP $SQLSERVERSUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS="no"; # Whether or not this ArcSDE Server supports user-managed string id columns # Initial output # =========================================================================================================== print "\n\nPREREQUISITES FOR THIS SCRIPT TO RUN PROPERLY:\n"; print "\n - This script should be run from the ArcSDE server machine where Oracle and/or SQL Server instances are running."; print "\n - Oracle's sqlplus.exe and/or SQL Server's osql.exe need to be in your PATH"; print "\n - For SQL Server, the following databases need to have previously been created as follows:"; print "\n - create database \"testmultidb\" manually via SQL Server Enterprise Manager tool"; print "\n - create database \"testsingledb\" using the ArcSDE Server Post-Installer tool:"; print "\n - make sure environment variable SDEHOME is pointing to the right place"; print "\n (so \$SDEHOME\\etc contains giomgr.defs, dbinit.sde, etc)"; print "\n - select \"Complete\" (instead of \"Custom\")"; print "\n - set database name to \"testsingledb\""; print "\n - set service name (e.g. \"esri_sde1b\") and service port number (e.g. \"5153/tcp\") as desired"; print "\n - click OK to start the new ArcSDE service"; print "\n"; print "\n\nHARDCODED SETTINGS (EDIT THIS SCRIPT IF THESE VALUES ARE NOT CORRECT):\n"; print "\n Root dir containing input SHP test data = " . $SHP_ROOT; print "\n Dir containing FDO Provider fod ArcSDE's UnitTest = " . $ARCSDEUNITTESTDIR; print "\n Install against ArcSDE for Oracle = " . $INSTALLORACLE; print "\n Oracle admin name = " . $ORACLEADMINNAME; print "\n Oracle admin password = " . $ORACLEADMINPASSWORD; print "\n Oracle ArcSDE server port = " . $ORACLESDEPORT; print "\n Oracle ArcSDE SDEHOME dir = " . $ORACLESDEHOME; print "\n Oracle ArcSDE SDE user password = " . $ORACLESDEPASSWORD; print "\n Oracle ArcSDE server address = " . $ORACLESDESERVER; print "\n Install against ArcSDE for SQL Server = " . $INSTALLSQLSERVER; print "\n SQL Server admin name = " . $SQLSERVERADMINNAME; print "\n SQL Server admin password = " . $SQLSERVERADMINPASSWORD; print "\n SQL Server ArcSDE server port (Multi database) = " . $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_MULTIDB; print "\n SQL Server ArcSDE server port (Single database) = " . $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_SINGLEDB; print "\n Root SQL Server ArcSDE server directory = " . $SQLSERVERSDEHOME; print "\n SQL Server ArcSDE SDE user password = " . $SQLSERVERSDEPASSWORD; print "\n SQL Server ArcSDE server address = " . $SQLSERVERSDESERVER; print "\n"; # Gather basic input # =========================================================================================================== my $ACTION; do { print "\nEnter I to install new test data, U to uninstall existing test data, or Q to quit: "; chomp($INSTALLACTION=); $INSTALLACTION =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; if ($INSTALLACTION eq "Q") { print "\nGoodbye."; exit; } elsif ($INSTALLACTION eq "U") { $ACTION = "Removing"; } elsif ($INSTALLACTION eq "I") { $ACTION = "Creating"; } else { print "\nOption '" . $INSTALLACTION . "' not supported, please try again.\n"; } } while ($ACTION eq ""); if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { print "\nName of test dataset to create: "; } else { print "\nName of test dataset remove: "; } chomp($DATASETNAME=); @usersuffixes = ('METADCOV', 'AUSTRALIA', 'WHEATON', 'OZZIE', 'FDOTEST1'); $username_metadcov = 'FDO_' . $DATASETNAME . '_' . 'METADCOV'; $username_australia = 'FDO_' . $DATASETNAME . '_' . 'AUSTRALIA'; $username_wheaton = 'FDO_' . $DATASETNAME . '_' . 'WHEATON'; $username_ozzie = 'FDO_' . $DATASETNAME . '_' . 'OZZIE'; $username_fdotest1 = 'FDO_' . $DATASETNAME . '_' . 'FDOTEST1'; @usernames = ($username_metadcov, $username_australia, $username_wheaton, $username_ozzie, $username_fdotest1); # Create users (if installing only) # ============================================================================================================ if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { if ($INSTALLORACLE eq "Y") { print "\nCreating users on Oracle ..."; if (-e "temp.sql") { unlink("temp.sql"); } open (TEMPSQL, ">temp.sql"); foreach $username (@usernames) { print TEMPSQL "\ncreate user " . $username . " identified by test;"; print TEMPSQL "\ngrant connect, resource, select any table, insert any table, update any table, delete any table to ". $username . ";"; } # Create a read-only user: $username = "FDO_" . $DATASETNAME . "_READONLY"; print TEMPSQL "\ncreate user " . $username . " identified by test;"; print TEMPSQL "\ngrant connect, resource, select any table to ". $username . ";"; close (TEMPSQL); # Run the script: my $sysdba=""; if ($ORACLEADMINNAME eq "sys") { $sysdba=" as sysdba "; } system "sqlplus $ORACLEADMINNAME/$ORACLEADMINPASSWORD " . $sysdba . " < temp.sql"; } if ($INSTALLSQLSERVER eq "Y") { print "\nCreating users on SQL Server ..."; if (-e "temp.sql") { unlink("temp.sql"); } open (TEMPSQL, ">temp.sql"); my $readonlyusername = "FDO_" . $DATASETNAME . "_READONLY"; foreach $username (@usernames, $readonlyusername) { print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_addlogin '" . $username . "', 'test';"; } foreach $username (@usernames, 'sde', $readonlyusername) { foreach $db ('master', 'sde', 'testsingledb', 'testmultidb') { # Grant permissions to all users (including "sde" user) on all databases (including "sde" database) # according to Config and Tuning Guide for SQL Server (see sections "Logins And Users: Rules For The Single/Multiple Spatial Database Model") # (in SQL Server Enterprise Manager, right-click on the database and select Properties > Permissions tab) print TEMPSQL "\nuse " . $db . ";"; print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_grantdbaccess '" . $username . "';"; # Give users db_owner rights on databases; this allows user to see eachother's tables as well as perform select/insert/update/delete on eachother's tables: if ($username eq $readonlyusername) print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '" . $username . "';"; else print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '" . $username . "';"; print TEMPSQL "\nGRANT CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE FUNCTION TO " . $username . ";"; } } close (TEMPSQL); # NOTE: you may need to add all login users to all databases that will contain ArcSDE data # If you do not do this, you can get strange problems caused by low-level errors when ArcSDE Server tries to access other # ArcSDE databases intermittently for no apparent reason, even if you are not trying to access those databases explicitly. # Run the script finally: system "osql -U " . $SQLSERVERADMINNAME . " -P " . $SQLSERVERADMINPASSWORD . " < temp.sql"; } } # Start of main loop # =========================================================================================================== foreach $RDBMS ("ORACLE", "SQLSERVER") { # Skip RDBMS's user didn't select: if ($INSTALLORACLE ne "Y" and $RDBMS eq "ORACLE") { next; } if ($INSTALLSQLSERVER ne "Y" and $RDBMS eq "SQLSERVER") { next; } # Setup environment variable for database/instance settings: print "\nSetting up variables for " . $RDBMS . " ... "; if ($RDBMS eq "ORACLE") { $ENV{'SDEHOME'}=$ORACLESDEHOME; $SDEPASSWORD=$ORACLESDEPASSWORD; $SDESERVER=$ORACLESDESERVER; $DB_INST="-i " . $ORACLESDEPORT; $DB_INST_SINGLEDB=$DB_INST; $DB_INST_MULTIDB=$DB_INST; $PORT_SINGLEDB=$ORACLESDEPORT; $PORT_MULTIDB=$ORACLESDEPORT; $SUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS=$ORACLESUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS; } elsif ($RDBMS eq "SQLSERVER") { $ENV{'SDEHOME'}=$SQLSERVERSDEHOME; $SDEPASSWORD=$SQLSERVERSDEPASSWORD; $SDESERVER=$SQLSERVERSDESERVER; $DB_INST="-D sde -i " . $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_MULTIDB; $DB_INST_SINGLEDB="-D testsingledb -i " . $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_SINGLEDB; $DB_INST_MULTIDB="-D testmultidb -i " . $SQLSERVERSDEPORT_MULTIDB; $PORT_SINGLEDB=$SQLSERVERSDEPORT_SINGLEDB; $PORT_MULTIDB=$SQLSERVERSDEPORT_MULTIDB; $SUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS=$SQLSERVERSUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS; } # Create dummy tables, On both Oracle and SQL Server; # (NOTE: this allows each user to show up as an FDO Schema; a user without registered tables will not show up as an ArcSDE schema) # =========================================================================================================== print "\n" . $ACTION . " dummy tables and layers for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; foreach $username (@usernames) { if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "sdetable -o create -t dummy -d \"mystring string(10)\" -u " . $username . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t dummy -u " . $username . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } # Create one dummy layer, On both Oracle and SQL Server; # (NOTE: this allows SE_registration_get_info_list() to work properly; there is an ArcSDE defect where this function # will return 0 entries even if you have tables registered): # =========================================================================================================== if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "sdelayer -o add -l dummy,shape -e npsla+3 -u " . $username . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } } # Create TESTA and TESTB # =========================================================================================================== print "\n" . $ACTION . " tables TESTA and TESTB for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; # On both Oracle and SQL Server: if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "sdetable -o create -t TESTB -d \"MYSHORTINT smallint(4), MYINT integer(10), MYFLOAT float(6,2), MYFLOAT2 float(6,2), " . "MYDOUBLE double(38,8), MYSTRING string(512), MYBLOB blob, MYDATE date\" -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test -k WKB_GEOMETRY " . $DB_INST_SINGLEDB; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t TESTB -c OBJECTID -C SDE -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test -k WKB_GEOMETRY " . $DB_INST_SINGLEDB; system "sdelayer -o add -l TESTB,SHAPE -e nplsa+ -x -10000,-10000,100000 -g 100 -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test -k WKB_GEOMETRY " . $DB_INST_SINGLEDB; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t TESTB -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_SINGLEDB; } if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "sdetable -o create -t TESTA -d \"MYSTRING string(50)\" -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t TESTA -c OBJECTID -C SDE -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "sdelayer -o add -l TESTA,SHAPE -e nplsa+ -x -10000,-10000,100000 -g 100 -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t TESTA -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } # On SQL Server only: create a table with same name/owner but different database, # and enable versionning on these 3 tables to avoid problems with SE_stream_delete_from_table() that happen only on SQL Server: if ($RDBMS eq "SQLSERVER") { print "\n" . $ACTION . " second table TESTA for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "sdetable -o create -t TESTA -d \"MYSTRING string(50)\" -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_MULTIDB; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t TESTA -c OBJECTID -C SDE -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_MULTIDB; system "sdelayer -o add -l TESTA,SHAPE -e nplsa+ -x -10000,-10000,100000 -g 100 -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_MULTIDB; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -V MULTI -t TESTB -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_SINGLEDB; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -V MULTI -t TESTA -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -V MULTI -t TESTA -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_MULTIDB; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t TESTA -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST_MULTIDB; } } # Create other tables from SHP files # =========================================================================================================== # On both Oracle and SQL Server: print "\n" . $ACTION . " tables TREES, SOILS and PARCELS for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "shp2sde -o create -l TREES,SHAPE -f " . $SHP_ROOT . "\\Metadcov\\Trees.shp -e p -a all -C OBJECTID,USER,0 -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t TREES -V MULTI -c OBJECTID -C SDE -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "shp2sde -o create -l SOILS,SHAPE -f " . $SHP_ROOT . "\\Australia\\Soils.shp -e a -a all -C FID,USER,0 -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t SOILS -V MULTI -c FID -C SDE -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "shp2sde -o create -l PARCELS,SHAPE -f " . $SHP_ROOT . "\\Australia\\PARCELS.shp -e a -a all -C FID,USER,0 -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t PARCELS -c FID -C SDE -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t TREES -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t SOILS -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t PARCELS -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } # On both Oracle and SQL Server: print "\n" . $ACTION . " tables ROADS and DEFECT64335202 for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { system "shp2sde -o create -l ROADS,GEOMETRY -f " . $SHP_ROOT . "\\Australia\\Roads.shp -e sl -a all -C OBJECTID,USER,0 -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t ROADS -c OBJECTID -C SDE -V MULTI -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "shp2sde -o create -l DEFECT64335202,SHAPE -f " . $SHP_ROOT . "\\Australia\\DEFECT64335202.shp -e npsla+ -g 10 -a all -C OBJECTID,USER,0 -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o alter_reg -t DEFECT64335202 -c OBJECTID -C SDE -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } else { system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t ROADS -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; system "echo y | sdetable -o delete -t DEFECT64335202 -u " . $username_australia . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } # Run unit tests to initialize remaining test tables # =========================================================================================================== print "\n" . $ACTION . " the remaining ArcSDE test tables via the ArcSDE Provider's UnitTest.exe ... \n"; if (-e $ARCSDEUNITTESTDIR . "\\UnitTest.exe") { if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { my $command = $ARCSDEUNITTESTDIR . "\\UnitTest.exe initschema=true server=" . $SDESERVER . " port_multi=" . $PORT_MULTIDB . " port_single=" . $PORT_SINGLEDB . " sdepwd=" . $SDEPASSWORD . " dataset=" . $DATASETNAME . " rdbms=" . $RDBMS . " supportsusermanagedstringids=" . $SUPPORTSUSERMANAGEDSTRINGIDS; print "\nExecuting: " . $command; system $command; } else { print "\nTODO: remove all tables created by UnitTest.exe initschema=true" } } else { print "\nArcSDE Provider UnitTest not found at " . $ARCSDEUNITTESTDIR . "\\UnitTest.exe !"; } # Fix test tables that have issues # =========================================================================================================== if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { print "\nUpdating layer TESTCLASSGEOMZM3,MYGEOMETRY to a larger grid size (the default of 2.5 causes problems when inserting some larger polygons) for " . $RDBMS . " ... \n"; system "sdelayer -o alter -l testclassgeomzm3,mygeometry -g 100 -u " . $username_metadcov . " -p test " . $DB_INST; } # End of main loop # =========================================================================================================== } # Remove users (if uninstalling only) # =========================================================================================================== if ($INSTALLACTION eq "U") { if ($INSTALLORACLE eq "Y") { print "\n" . $ACTION . " users on Oracle ..."; if (-e "temp.sql") { unlink("temp.sql"); } open (TEMPSQL, ">temp.sql"); foreach $username (@usernames) { print TEMPSQL "\ndrop user " . $username . ";"; } close (TEMPSQL); # Run the script: my $sysdba=""; if ($ORACLEADMINNAME eq "sys") { $sysdba=" as sysdba "; } system "sqlplus $ORACLEADMINNAME/$ORACLEADMINPASSWORD " . $sysdba . " < temp.sql"; } if ($INSTALLSQLSERVER eq "Y") { print "\n" . $ACTION . " users on SQL Server ..."; if (-e "temp.sql") { unlink("temp.sql"); } open (TEMPSQL, ">temp.sql"); foreach $username (@usernames) { foreach $db ('master', 'sde', 'testsingledb', 'testmultidb') { # Grant permissions to all users (including "sde" user) on all databases (including "sde" database) # according to Config and Tuning Guide for SQL Server (see sections "Logins And Users: Rules For The Single/Multiple Spatial Database Model") # (in SQL Server Enterprise Manager, right-click on the database and select Properties > Permissions tab) print TEMPSQL "\nuse " . $db . ";"; print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_revokedbaccess '" . $username . "';"; } } foreach $username (@usernames) { print TEMPSQL "\nEXEC sp_droplogin '" . $username . "';"; } close (TEMPSQL); # NOTE: you may need to add all login users to all databases that will contain ArcSDE data # If you do not do this, you can get strange problems caused by low-level errors when ArcSDE Server tries to access other # ArcSDE databases intermittently for no apparent reason, even if you are not trying to access those databases explicitly. # Run the script finally: system "osql -U " . $SQLSERVERADMINNAME . " -P " . $SQLSERVERADMINPASSWORD . " < temp.sql"; } } # Final output # =========================================================================================================== print "\n"; if ($INSTALLACTION ne "U") { print "\nDONE! You should now be able to run the ArcSDE Provider unit tests as dataset=" . $DATASETNAME; }else { print "\nDONE! The users and data associated to dataset=" . $DATASETNAME . " have been removed."; } print "\n"; } # end of function SubMain()