__END__ # documentation is a good thing. =head1 NAME gdalconst - A part of the Perl interface to the GDAL library. =head1 SYNOPSIS use gdalconst; =head1 ABSTRACT This module is a part of the Perl bindings to the GDAL library. The GDAL modules allows you to access and manipulate from Perl all geospatial data that the installed GDAL library is configured to read/write. =head1 STATUS This modules is early beta quality. As most of the names and calling conventions come directly from the underlying GDAL library they are quite stable and will continue to work like the do now. However, many things could, should, and will be made more perlish. Generally, those methods which are documented, have been tested. If the method or constructor you are looking for is not documented, perhaps there is another way of doing what you want to do. =head1 CONSTANTS Access as $gdal:: =over =item GDT_Unknown =item GDT_Byte =item GDT_UInt16 =item GDT_Int16 =item GDT_UInt32 =item GDT_Int32 =item GDT_Float32 =item GDT_Float64 =item GDT_CInt16 =item GDT_CInt32 =item GDT_CFloat32 =item GDT_CFloat64 =item GDT_TypeCount =item GA_ReadOnly =item GA_Update =item GF_Read =item GF_Write =item GCI_Undefined =item GCI_GrayIndex =item GCI_PaletteIndex =item GCI_RedBand =item GCI_GreenBand =item GCI_BlueBand =item GCI_AlphaBand =item GCI_HueBand =item GCI_SaturationBand =item GCI_LightnessBand =item GCI_CyanBand =item GCI_MagentaBand =item GCI_YellowBand =item GCI_BlackBand =item GRA_NearestNeighbour =item GRA_Bilinear =item GRA_Cubic =item GRA_CubicSpline =item GPI_Gray =item GPI_RGB =item GPI_CMYK =item GPI_HLS =item CXT_Element =item CXT_Text =item CXT_Attribute =item CXT_Comment =item CXT_Literal =item CE_None =item CE_Debug =item CE_Warning =item CE_Failure =item CE_Fatal =item CPLE_None =item CPLE_AppDefined =item CPLE_OutOfMemory =item CPLE_FileIO =item CPLE_OpenFailed =item CPLE_IllegalArg =item CPLE_NotSupported =item CPLE_AssertionFailed =item CPLE_NoWriteAccess =item CPLE_UserInterrupt =item DMD_LONGNAME =item DMD_HELPTOPIC =item DMD_MIMETYPE =item DMD_EXTENSION =item DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST =item DMD_CREATIONDATATYPES =item DCAP_CREATE =item DCAP_CREATECOPY =item CPLES_BackslashQuotable =item CPLES_XML =item CPLES_URL =item CPLES_SQL =item CPLES_CSV =back =head1 KNOWN BUGS These constants should be exportable. =head1 SEE ALSO L(1), L(3pm), L(3pm), L(3pm). http://www.gdal.org =head1 AUTHORS The GDAL bindings team (in alphabetical order): ari.jolma at tkk.fi cfis at interserv.com hobu at iastate.edu kruland at ku.edu warmerdam at pobox.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by the GDAL bindings team. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. =cut