C++ Boost


Header <boost/python/from_python.hpp>


Class Templatefrom_python
Class Template from_python synopsis
Class Template from_python constructor
Class Template from_python observer functions


<boost/python/from_python.hpp> introduces a class template from_python<T> for extracting a C++ object of type T from a Python object.


Class Template from_python<class T>

from_python<T> is the type used internally by Boost.Python to extract C++ function arguments from a Python argument tuple when calling a wrapped function. It can also be used directly to make similar conversions in other contexts.

Class Template from_python synopsis

namespace boost { namespace python
   template <class T>
   struct from_python : private boost::noncopyable // Exposition only.
       // from_python<T> meets the NonCopyable requirements
      bool convertible() const;
      convertible-to-T operator()(PyObject*) const;

Class Template from_python constructor

from_python(PyObject* p);
Requires: p != 0
Effects: Constructs a from_python object suitable for extracting a C++ object of type T from p.

Class Template from_python observer functions

bool convertible() const;
Returns: false if the conversion cannot succeed. This indicates that either:
  1. No from_python_converter was registered for T, or
  2. any such converter rejected the constructor argument p by returning 0 from its convertible() function
Note that conversion may still fail in operator() due to an exception.
Throws: nothing
Rationale: Because from_python<> is used in overload resolution, and throwing an exception can be slow, it is useful to be able to rule out a broad class of unsuccessful conversions without throwing an exception.
convertible-to-T operator()(PyObject* p) const;
Requires: *p refers to the same object which was passed to the constructor, and convertible() returns true.
Effects: performs the conversion
Returns: an object convertible to T.


#include <string>
#include <boost/python/from_python.hpp>

// If a std::string can be extracted from p, return its
// length. Otherwise, return 0.
std::size_t length_if_string(PyObject* p)
   from_python<std::string> converter(p);
   if (!converter.convertible())
      return 0;
      return converter(p).size();

Revised 13 November, 2002

© Copyright Dave Abrahams 2002.