# # This is Boost Jamfile for Boost.Build V2. # Currently, known to work on Linux with gcc # # To build Boost with it, run # # bjam --v2 link=static # # from the top-level directory project boost : requirements $(BOOST_ROOT) # disable auto-linking for all targets here, # primarily because it caused troubles with V2 BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 : usage-requirements $(BOOST_ROOT) : build-dir bin.v2 ; build-project libs/test/build ; build-project libs/date_time/build ; build-project libs/regex/build ; build-project libs/signals/build ; build-project libs/graph/build ; # Comment this out if you don't have Python2.2 installed build-project libs/python/build ; build-project libs/thread/build ; build-project libs/filesystem/build ; build-project libs/program_options/build ;