/////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // basic_xml_oarchive.ipp: // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. #include #include namespace boost { namespace archive { /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // implemenations of functions common to both types of xml output template void basic_xml_oarchive::write_attribute( const char *attribute_name, int t, const char *conjunction ){ this->This()->put(' '); this->This()->put(attribute_name); this->This()->put(conjunction); this->This()->save(t); this->This()->put('"'); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::write_attribute( const char *attribute_name, const char *key ){ this->This()->put(' '); this->This()->put(attribute_name); this->This()->put("=\""); this->This()->put(key); this->This()->put('"'); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::indent(){ int i; for(i = depth; i-- > 0;) this->This()->put('\t'); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_start(const char *name) { if(NULL == name) return; end_preamble(); if(depth > 0){ this->This()->put('\n'); indent(); } ++depth; this->This()->put('<'); this->This()->save(name); pending_preamble = true; indent_next = false; } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_end(const char *name) { if(NULL == name) return; end_preamble(); --depth; if(indent_next){ this->This()->put('\n'); indent(); } indent_next = true; this->This()->put("This()->save(name); this->This()->put('>'); if(0 == depth) this->This()->put('\n'); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::end_preamble(){ if(pending_preamble){ this->This()->put('>'); pending_preamble = false; } } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override(const object_id_type & t, int) { int i = t.t; // extra .t is for borland write_attribute(OBJECT_ID, i, "=\"_"); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override( const object_reference_type & t, int ){ int i = t.t; // extra .t is for borland write_attribute(OBJECT_REFERENCE, i, "=\"_"); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override(const version_type & t, int) { int i = t.t; // extra .t is for borland write_attribute(VERSION, i); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override(const class_id_type & t, int) { write_attribute(CLASS_ID, t); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override( const class_id_reference_type & t, int ){ write_attribute(CLASS_ID_REFERENCE, t); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override( const class_id_optional_type & t, int ){ write_attribute(CLASS_ID, t); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override(const class_name_type & t, int) { const char * key = t; if(NULL == key) return; write_attribute(CLASS_NAME, key); } template void basic_xml_oarchive::save_override(const tracking_type & t, int) { write_attribute(TRACKING, t.t); // extra .t is for borland } template void basic_xml_oarchive::init(){ // xml header header = true; this->This()->put("\n"); this->This()->put("\n"); // xml document wrapper - outer root this->This()->put("(ARCHIVE_VERSION)); this->This()->put(">\n"); } template basic_xml_oarchive::basic_xml_oarchive(unsigned int flags) : depth(0), indent_next(false), pending_preamble(false), header(false) { } template basic_xml_oarchive::~basic_xml_oarchive(){ if(!header) return; this->This()->put("\n"); } } // namespace archive } // namespace boost