subproject libs/program_options/build ; SOURCES = cmdline config_file options_description parsers variables_map value_semantic positional_options utf8_codecvt_facet convert winmain ; lib boost_program_options : ../src/$(SOURCES).cpp : # build requirements [ common-names ] # magic for install and auto-link features $(BOOST_ROOT) $(BOOST_ROOT) std::locale-support : debug release # build variants ; dll boost_program_options : ../src/$(SOURCES).cpp : # build requirements [ common-names ] # magic for install and auto-link features BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1 # tell source we're building dll's dynamic # build only for dynamic runtimes $(BOOST_ROOT) $(BOOST_ROOT) # The following really turns on static runtime linking # which leads to runtime crashes when using DLL, so # seem DLL is not usable on Metrowerks 8 # std::facet-support std::locale-support : debug release # build variants ; install program_options lib : boost_program_options boost_program_options ; stage stage/lib : boost_program_options boost_program_options : # copy to a path rooted at BOOST_ROOT: $(BOOST_ROOT) # make sure the names of the libraries are correctly named: [ common-names ] # add this target to the "stage" and "all" psuedo-targets: stage all : debug release ; # end