GDAL_ROOT = ../.. include $(GDAL_ROOT)/GDALmake.opt OBJ = dodsdataset2.o CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DODS_INC) default: $(OBJ) # By linking with dodsdataset.o explicitly, we don't have to build the # library to get changes in that code into using_dods for testing. However, # make sure you do rebuild the library (run make two directories up) once # you're done. 12/27/02 jhrg using_dods: using_dods.o dodsdataset.o $(LD) $(LNK_FLAGS) $^ $(XTRAOBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS) -o $@$(EXE) # There's a note in GDALmake.opt that local programs should link against # CONFIG_LIBS, but that doesn't work here, maybe because dodsdataset_test # links statically (which it needs to do to run in a debugger). 10/31/03 jhrg dodsdataset_test: dodsdataset_test.o dodsdataset.o $(LD) $(LNK_FLAGS) -static -g3 $^ $(XTRAOBJ) $(LIBS) $(LIBGDAL) \ -lcppunit -lxml2 -o $@$(EXE) docs: doxygen clean: -rm -f *.o *.lo *~ $(O_OBJ) -rm -rf docs -rm -f dodsdataset_test using_dods install-obj: $(O_OBJ) dodsdataset.o: dodsdataset.cpp dodsdataset.h