<<<<<<< gdal.pod __END__ # documentation is a good thing. =head1 NAME gdal - A part of the Perl interface to the GDAL library. =head1 SYNOPSIS use gdalconst; use gdal; =head1 ABSTRACT This module is a part of the Perl bindings to the GDAL library. The GDAL modules allows you to access and manipulate from Perl all geospatial data that the installed GDAL library is configured to read/write. =head1 STATUS This modules is early beta quality. As most of the names and calling conventions come directly from the underlying GDAL library they are quite stable and will continue to work like the do now. However, many things could, should, and will be made more perlish. Generally, those methods which are documented, have been tested. If the method or constructor you are looking for is not documented, perhaps there is another way of doing what you want to do. =head1 DESCRIPTION The gdal module allows a geospatial programmer to use the GDAL library with the ease and comfort of Perl. Find out more about GDAL at http://www.gdal.org. To discuss gdal, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join gdal-dev@lists.maptools.org at http://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev/. =head1 PACKAGE METHODS =over =item UseExceptions Turned on by default. =item DontUseExceptions =item Debug =item Error =item PushErrorHandler =item PopErrorHandler =item ErrorReset =item GetLastErrorNo =item GetLastErrorType =item GetLastErrorMsg =item PushFinderLocation =item PopFinderLocation =item FinderClean =item FindFile =item SetConfigOption =item GetConfigOption =item GCPsToGeoTransform =item AllRegister Done by default. =item GetCacheMax =item SetCacheMax =item GetCacheUsed =item GetDataTypeSize =item DataTypeIsComplex =item GetDataTypeName =item GetDataTypeByName =item GetColorInterpretationName =item GetPaletteInterpretationName =item DecToDMS =item PackedDMSToDec =item DecToPackedDMS =item ParseXMLString =item SerializeXMLTree =item GetDriverCount $n = gdal::GetDriverCount(); =item GetDriverByName $driver = gdal::GetDriverByName('driver name'); The driver name is the $driver->{ShortName}, but that is a chicken and an egg problem! =item GetDriver $driver = gdal::GetDriver($i); =item Open $dataset = gdal::Open('filename', $access = $gdalconst::GA_ReadOnly); $access = $gdalconst::GA_ReadOnly | $gdalconst::GA_Update =item OpenShared =item AutoCreateWarpedVRT =back =head1 CLASSES =head2 gdal::MajorObject Superclass of gdal::Driver, gdal::Dataset, and gdal::Band =over =item GetDescription =item SetDescription =item GetMetadata $metadata = $object->GetMetadata(); =item SetMetadata =back =head2 gdal::Driver =over =item ShortName $driver->{ShortName} =item LongName $driver->{LongName} =item HelpTopic $driver->{HelpTopic} =item Create $dataset = $driver->Create('filename', $width, $height, $bands = 1, $type = $gdalconst::GDT_Byte, $options = []); =item CreateCopy $dataset = $driver->CreateCopy('filename', $src_dataset, $strict =1, $options = []); =item Delete =back =head2 gdal::Dataset =over =item RasterXSize $dataset->{RasterXSize} =item RasterYSize $dataset->{RasterYSize} =item RasterCount $dataset->{RasterCount} =item GetDriver =item GetRasterBand $band = $dataset->GetRasterBand($i); =item GetProjection $projection = $dataset->GetProjection; =item GetProjectionRef =item SetProjection $dataset->SetProjection($projection); =item GetGeoTransform $transform = $dataset->GetGeoTransform(); =item SetGeoTransform $dataset->SetGeoTransform($transform); =item BuildOverviews =item GetGCPCount $gcp_count = $dataset->GetGCPCount(); =item GetGCPProjection $gcp_projection = $dataset->GetGCPProjection(); =item GetGCPs An example: my $gcps = $dataset->GetGCPs(); for (0..$#$gcps) { $x[$_] = $gcps->[$_]->{GCPX}; $y[$_] = $gcps->[$_]->{GCPY}; } =item SetGCPs An example: my @gcps = (); push @gcps,new gdal::GCP($x1, $y1); push @gcps,new gdal::GCP($x2, $y2); $dataset->SetGCPs(\@gcps, "some projection"); =item FlushCache =item AddBand =item WriteRaster =back =head2 gdal::Band =over =item XSize $band->{XSize} =item YSize $band->{YSize} =item DataType $band->{DataType} =item GetRasterColorInterpretation =item SetRasterColorInterpretation =item GetNoDataValue $value = $band->GetNoDataValue; =item SetNoDataValue $band->SetNoDataValue($value); =item GetMinimum =item GetMaximum =item GetOffset =item GetScale =item GetOverviewCount =item GetOverview =item Checksum =item ComputeRasterMinMax =item Fill =item ReadRaster $scanline = $band->ReadRaster( 0, 0, $width, 1 ); @data = unpack("i[$width]", $scanline); See also the example below. =item WriteRaster SWITCH: for ($band->{DataType}) { if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Byte) { $type = 'c'; last SWITCH; } if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Int16) { $type = 's'; last SWITCH; } if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Int32) { $type = 'i'; last SWITCH; } $nothing = 1; } unless ($nothing) { $buf = pack($type.'['.$width*$height.']',@data); $band->WriteRaster( $xoff, $yoff, $width, $height, $buf ); } =item FlushCache =item GetRasterColorTable $colortable = $band->GetRasterColorTable; =item SetRasterColorTable $band->SetRasterColorTable($colortable); =back =head2 gdal::ColorTable $colortable = new gdal::ColorTable( $palette_interpretation = $gdalconst::GPI_RGB); =over =item Clone =item GetPaletteInterpretation =item GetCount =item GetColorEntry @color = $colortable->GetColorEntryAsRGB($i); =item GetColorEntryAsRGB @color = $colortable->GetColorEntryAsRGB($i); =item SetColorEntry @color = (255,0,0,255); # an example, opaque red, # and RGBA color interpretation $colortable->SetColorEntry($i, \@color); =back =head2 gdal::GCP =over =item GCPX $gcp->{GCPX} =item GCPY $gcp->{GCPY} =item GCPZ $gcp->{GCPZ} =item GCPPixel $gcp->{GCPPixel} =item GCPLine $gcp->{GCPLine} =item Info $gcp->{Info} =item Id $gcp->{Id} =back =head1 KNOWN BUGS The reference counting scheme is not yet implemented. Make sure that parents are not deleted before their children! Use "my" a lot. Do not give undefined/uninitialized variables to methods. =head1 SEE ALSO L(1), L(3pm), L(3pm), L(3pm). http://www.gdal.org =head1 AUTHORS The GDAL bindings team (in alphabetical order): ari.jolma at tkk.fi cfis at interserv.com hobu at iastate.edu kruland at ku.edu warmerdam at pobox.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by the GDAL bindings team. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ======= __END__ # documentation is a good thing. =head1 NAME gdal - A part of the Perl interface to the GDAL library. =head1 SYNOPSIS use gdalconst; use gdal; =head1 ABSTRACT This module is a part of the Perl bindings to the GDAL library. The GDAL modules allows you to access and manipulate from Perl all geospatial data that the installed GDAL library is configured to read/write. =head1 STATUS This modules is early beta quality. As most of the names and calling conventions come directly from the underlying GDAL library they are quite stable and will continue to work like the do now. However, many things could, should, and will be made more perlish. Generally, those methods which are documented, have been tested. If the method or constructor you are looking for is not documented, perhaps there is another way of doing what you want to do. =head1 DESCRIPTION The gdal module allows a geospatial programmer to use the GDAL library with the ease and comfort of Perl. Find out more about GDAL at http://www.gdal.org. To discuss gdal, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join gdal-dev@lists.maptools.org at http://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev/. =head1 PACKAGE METHODS =over =item UseExceptions Turned on by default. =item DontUseExceptions =item Debug =item Error =item PushErrorHandler =item PopErrorHandler =item ErrorReset =item GetLastErrorNo =item GetLastErrorType =item GetLastErrorMsg =item PushFinderLocation =item PopFinderLocation =item FinderClean =item FindFile =item SetConfigOption =item GetConfigOption =item GCPsToGeoTransform =item AllRegister Done by default. =item GetCacheMax =item SetCacheMax =item GetCacheUsed =item GetDataTypeSize =item DataTypeIsComplex =item GetDataTypeName =item GetDataTypeByName =item GetColorInterpretationName =item GetPaletteInterpretationName =item DecToDMS =item PackedDMSToDec =item DecToPackedDMS =item ParseXMLString =item SerializeXMLTree =item GetDriverCount $n = gdal::GetDriverCount(); =item GetDriverByName $driver = gdal::GetDriverByName('driver name'); The driver name is the $driver->{ShortName}, but that is a chicken and an egg problem! =item GetDriver $driver = gdal::GetDriver($i); =item Open $dataset = gdal::Open('filename', $access = $gdalconst::GA_ReadOnly); $access = $gdalconst::GA_ReadOnly | $gdalconst::GA_Update =item OpenShared =item AutoCreateWarpedVRT =back =head1 CLASSES =head2 gdal::MajorObject Superclass of gdal::Driver, gdal::Dataset, and gdal::Band =over =item GetDescription =item SetDescription =item GetMetadata $metadata = $object->GetMetadata(); =item SetMetadata =back =head2 gdal::Driver =over =item ShortName $driver->{ShortName} =item LongName $driver->{LongName} =item HelpTopic $driver->{HelpTopic} =item Create $dataset = $driver->Create('filename', $width, $height, $bands = 1, $type = $gdalconst::GDT_Byte, $options = []); =item CreateCopy $dataset = $driver->CreateCopy('filename', $src_dataset, $strict =1, $options = []); =item Delete =back =head2 gdal::Dataset =over =item RasterXSize $dataset->{RasterXSize} =item RasterYSize $dataset->{RasterYSize} =item RasterCount $dataset->{RasterCount} =item GetDriver =item GetRasterBand $band = $dataset->GetRasterBand($i); =item GetProjection $projection = $dataset->GetProjection; =item GetProjectionRef =item SetProjection $dataset->SetProjection($projection); =item GetGeoTransform $transform = $dataset->GetGeoTransform(); =item SetGeoTransform $dataset->SetGeoTransform($transform); =item BuildOverviews =item GetGCPCount $gcp_count = $dataset->GetGCPCount(); =item GetGCPProjection $gcp_projection = $dataset->GetGCPProjection(); =item GetGCPs An example: my $gcps = $dataset->GetGCPs(); for (0..$#$gcps) { $x[$_] = $gcps->[$_]->{GCPX}; $y[$_] = $gcps->[$_]->{GCPY}; } =item SetGCPs An example: my @gcps = (); push @gcps,new gdal::GCP($x1, $y1); push @gcps,new gdal::GCP($x2, $y2); $dataset->SetGCPs(\@gcps, "some projection"); =item FlushCache =item AddBand =item WriteRaster =back =head2 gdal::Band =over =item XSize $band->{XSize} =item YSize $band->{YSize} =item DataType $band->{DataType} =item GetRasterColorInterpretation =item SetRasterColorInterpretation =item GetNoDataValue $value = $band->GetNoDataValue; =item SetNoDataValue $band->SetNoDataValue($value); =item GetMinimum =item GetMaximum =item GetOffset =item GetScale =item GetOverviewCount =item GetOverview =item Checksum =item ComputeRasterMinMax =item Fill =item ReadRaster $scanline = $band->ReadRaster( 0, 0, $width, 1 ); @data = unpack("i[$width]", $scanline); See also the example below. =item WriteRaster SWITCH: for ($band->{DataType}) { if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Byte) { $type = 'c'; last SWITCH; } if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Int16) { $type = 's'; last SWITCH; } if ($_ == $gdalconst::$GDT_Int32) { $type = 'i'; last SWITCH; } $nothing = 1; } unless ($nothing) { $buf = pack($type.'['.$width*$height.']',@data); $band->WriteRaster( $xoff, $yoff, $width, $height, $buf ); } =item FlushCache =item GetRasterColorTable $colortable = $band->GetRasterColorTable; =item SetRasterColorTable $band->SetRasterColorTable($colortable); =back =head2 gdal::ColorTable $colortable = new gdal::ColorTable( $palette_interpretation = $gdalconst::GPI_RGB); =over =item Clone =item GetPaletteInterpretation =item GetCount =item GetColorEntry @color = $colortable->GetColorEntryAsRGB($i); =item GetColorEntryAsRGB @color = $colortable->GetColorEntryAsRGB($i); =item SetColorEntry @color = (255,0,0,255); # an example, opaque red, # and RGBA color interpretation $colortable->SetColorEntry($i, \@color); =back =head2 gdal::GCP =over =item GCPX $gcp->{GCPX} =item GCPY $gcp->{GCPY} =item GCPZ $gcp->{GCPZ} =item GCPPixel $gcp->{GCPPixel} =item GCPLine $gcp->{GCPLine} =item Info $gcp->{Info} =item Id $gcp->{Id} =back =head1 KNOWN BUGS The reference counting scheme is not yet implemented. Make sure that parents are not deleted before their children! Use "my" a lot. Do not give undefined/uninitialized variables to methods. =head1 SEE ALSO L(1), L(3pm), L(3pm), L(3pm). http://www.gdal.org =head1 AUTHORS The GDAL bindings team (in alphabetical order): ari.jolma at tkk.fi cfis at interserv.com hobu at iastate.edu kruland at ku.edu warmerdam at pobox.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by the GDAL bindings team. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. >>>>>>> 1.3