C++ Boost

Simple Segregated Storage


simple_segregated_storage.hpp provides a template class simple_segregated_storage that controls access to a free list of memory chunks. Please note that this is a very simple class, with preconditions on almost all its functions. It is intended to be the fastest and smallest possible quick memory allocator — e.g., something to use in embedded systems. This class delegates many difficult preconditions to the user (i.e., alignment issues). For more general usage, see the other pool interfaces.


template <typename SizeType = std::size_t>
class simple_segregated_storage
    simple_segregated_storage(const simple_segregated_storage &);
    void operator=(const simple_segregated_storage &);

    typedef SizeType size_type;


    static void * segregate(void * block,
        size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz,
        void * end = 0);
    void add_block(void * block,
        size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz);
    void add_ordered_block(void * block,
        size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz);

    bool empty() const;

    void * malloc();
    void free(void * chunk);
    void ordered_free(void * chunk);
    void * malloc_n(size_type n, size_type partition_sz);
    void free_n(void * chunks, size_type n,
        size_type partition_sz);
    void ordered_free_n(void * chunks, size_type n,
        size_type partition_sz);


An object of type simple_segregated_storage<SizeType> is empty if its free list is empty. If it is not empty, then it is ordered if its free list is ordered. A free list is ordered if repeated calls to malloc() will result in a constantly-increasing sequence of values, as determined by std::less<void *>. A member function is order-preserving if the free list maintains its order orientation (that is, an ordered free list is still ordered after the member function call).

Symbol Table
tvalue of type Store
uvalue of type const Store
block, chunk, endvalues of type void *
partition_sz, sz, nvalues of type Store::size_type

Template Parameters
SizeTypestd::size_tAn unsigned integral type


Constructors, Destructors, and State
ExpressionReturn TypePost-ConditionNotes
Store()not usedempty()Constructs a new Store
(&t)->~Store()not usedDestructs the Store
u.empty()boolReturns true if u is empty. Order-preserving.

ExpressionReturn TypePre-ConditionPost-ConditionSemantic EquivalenceNotes
Store::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz, end)void *partition_sz >= sizeof(void *)
partition_sz = sizeof(void *) * i, for some integer i
sz >= partition_sz
block is properly aligned for an array of objects of size partition_sz
block is properly aligned for an array of void *
Interleaves a free list through the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes, partitioning it into as many partition_sz-sized chunks as possible. The last chunk is set to point to end, and a pointer to the first chunck is returned (this is always equal to block). This interleaved free list is ordered. O(sz).
Store::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz)void *Same as aboveStore::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz, 0)
t.add_block(block, sz, partition_sz)voidSame as above!t.empty()Segregates the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes into partition_sz-sized chunks, and adds that free list to its own. If t was empty before this call, then it is ordered after this call. O(sz).
t.add_ordered_block(block, sz, partition_sz)voidSame as above!t.empty()Segregates the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes into partition_sz-sized chunks, and merges that free list into its own. Order-preserving. O(sz).

Allocation and Deallocation
ExpressionReturn TypePre-ConditionPost-ConditionSemantic EquivalenceNotes
t.malloc()void *!t.empty()Takes the first available chunk from the free list and returns it. Order-preserving. O(1).
t.free(chunk)voidchunk was previously returned from a call to t.malloc()!t.empty()Places chunk back on the free list. Note that chunk may not be 0. O(1).
t.ordered_free(chunk)voidSame as above!t.empty()Places chunk back on the free list. Note that chunk may not be 0. Order-preserving. O(N) with respect to the size of the free list.
t.malloc_n(n, partition_sz)void *Attempts to find a contiguous sequence of n partition_sz-sized chunks. If found, removes them all from the free list and returns a pointer to the first. If not found, returns 0. It is strongly recommended (but not required) that the free list be ordered, as this algorithm will fail to find a contiguous sequence unless it is contiguous in the free list as well. Order-preserving. O(N) with respect to the size of the free list.
t.free_n(chunk, n, partition_sz)voidchunk was previously returned from a call to t.malloc_n(n, partition_sz)!t.empty()t.add_block(chunk, n * partition_sz, partition_sz)Assumes that chunk actually refers to a block of chunks spanning n * partition_sz bytes; segregates and adds in that block. Note that chunk may not be 0. O(n).
t.ordered_free_n(chunk, n, partition_sz)voidsame as abovesame as abovet.add_ordered_block(chunk, n * partition_sz, partition_sz)Same as above, except it merges in the free list. Order-preserving. O(N + n) where N is the size of the free list.


Implementation Details

Copyright © 2000, 2001 Stephen Cleary (scleary AT jerviswebb DOT com)

This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms found in copyright.html

This software and its documentation is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.