C++ Boost


mingw toolset


Boost.Build's mingw toolset supports the GNU GCC compiler as the MinGW configuration. This is hosted on Windows and targets standalone Windows objects.

Configuration Variables

The mingw toolset responds to the following variables which can be set in the environment or configured on the jam command-line using -sVARIABLE_NAME=value. This toolset is an extension to the gcc toolset.
Variable Name Semantics Default Notes
MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY Path to installation of MinGW. (none) If not set tools must be available in the executable path.
MINGW_BIN_DIRECTORY The directory where the tool executables are located. $(MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY)/bin/  
MINGW_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY The directory containing the headers specific to the tools. $(MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY)/include  
MINGW_STDLIB_DIRECTORY The directory containing the compiled tool libraries. $(MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY)/lib  

Caution: It appears that none of these paths must contain any spaces, otherwise spurious file not found errors can result (last reproduced with GCC3.3.1). To work around this limitation, either install the MinGW under a path that does not contain spaces or use 8.3 names. For example, if MinGW is installed in C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp, "-sMINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\Progra~1\Dev-Cpp" should be specified on the bjam command line.

Revised 04 November, 2004

Copyright © Dave Abrahams 2002.

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)