Boost.Build V2 release procedure. [ Must be done from a Unix shell ] 0. Look for all issues for current milestone in the tracker. Close the fixed one, if not already closed. Move to a later milestone, or fix all the unfixed ones. Make sure that "bjam --version" output is correct. Update version string if needed. Update bjam version and the version check is necessary. Check the download locations in "index_v2.html". Check that "last modified" strings in docs are correct. 1. Make sure you don't have any local modification, and tag the CVS tree with Milestone_X tag. 2. Run cvs -d co -r Milestone_X -P -d boost-build boost/tools/build Note: it turns out that anonymous CVS access uses some backup server, which is not up-to-date. 3. Go to "boost-build/v2" directory. 4. Run "./". This will create "" and "boost-build.tar.bz2" in parent directory, and also upload new docs to sourceforge. 5. Unpack "boost-build.tar.bz2", and build jam. 6. Go to "test" and copy "" to "test-config.jam". Run gcc tests: python gcc 7. Build all projects in examples-v2, using the bjam binary created at step 4. Note: "threading=multi" might be needed to build QT examples. 8. Announce the release, etc. 9. Update the "next milestone query" in the tracker.