Asked Questions: --------------------------- 1) Questions relating to CppUnit ---------------------------- 1.1) Isn't there an easier way to write unit tests than using TestCaller ? Yes, there is. Macros have been created to take care of the repetitive work. Look up include/extensions/HelperMacros.h in CppUnit documentation. Most of CppUnit test suite is also written that way since they remain compatible as CppUnit evolve. They also use RTTI if available. 2) Questions related to Microsoft Visual VC++ ----------------------------------------- 2.1) Why does my application crash when I use CppUnit? You probably forgot to enable RTTI in your project/configuration. RTTI are disabled by default. Enable RTTI in Projects/Settings.../C++/C++ Language. Make sure to do so for all configurations. 2.2) Why does the compiler report an error when linking with CppUnit library? You most likely are not using the same C-RunTime library as CppUnit. In Release configuration, CppUnit use "Mulithreaded DLL". In Debug configurations, CppUnit use "Debug Multihreaded DLL". Check that Projects/Settings.../C++/Code Generation is indeed using the correct library.