;// ;//Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Autodesk, Inc. ;// ;//This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;//modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser ;//General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. ;// ;//This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;//MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;//Lesser General Public License for more details. ;// ;//You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;//License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;// MessageId=1 SymbolicName=GRFP_1_UNEXPECTED_ERROR Language=English Unexpected error encountered in RFP Provider. . MessageId=2 SymbolicName=GRFP_2_OPEN_FAILED Language=English Failed to open Raster File Provider connection. . MessageId=3 SymbolicName=GRFP_3_NULL_ARGUMENT Language=English A required argument was set to NULL. . MessageId=4 SymbolicName=GRFP_4_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME Language=English The given property name was invalid. . MessageId=5 SymbolicName=GRFP_5_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Command timeout is not supported. . MessageId=6 SymbolicName=GRFP_6_RELATION_DIRECTIVES_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Relation directives are not supported. . MessageId=7 SymbolicName=GRFP_7_MEMORY_FAILURE Language=English Failed to allocate memory. . MessageId=8 SymbolicName=GRFP_8_UNSUPPORTED_METADATA_VALUE Language=English Unsupported metadata value encountered. . MessageId=9 SymbolicName=GRFP_9_CANT_OVERRIDE_IDENTITY_READONLY Language=English The read-only override cannot be applied to identity properties. . MessageId=10 SymbolicName=GRFP_10_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Object properties are not supported. . MessageId=11 SymbolicName=GRFP_11_FEATURE_CLASS_NOT_FOUND Language=English Feature class '%1$ls' not found in schema. . MessageId=12 SymbolicName=GRFP_12_PROPERTY_NOT_IN_RESULT Language=English The property '%1$ls' is not in the query result. . MessageId=13 SymbolicName=GRFP_13_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Language=English The index '%1$d' is out of range. . MessageId=14 SymbolicName=GRFP_14_CLASS_NAME_EMPTY Language=English Unexpected empty or null FDO class name. . MessageId=15 SymbolicName=GRFP_15_CONNECTION_NOT_ESTABLISHED Language=English The FDO connection has not been 'Opened'. The attempted operation is not permitted. . MessageId=16 SymbolicName=GRFP_16_VERSION_NULL Language=English Version name cannot be NULL. . MessageId=17 SymbolicName=GRFP_17_READER_CLOSED Language=English Reader is closed. . MessageId=18 SymbolicName=GRFP_18_READER_EXHAUSTED Language=English Reader is exhausted. . MessageId=19 SymbolicName=GRFP_19_NOT_OWNER Language=English User is not the version owner. . MessageId=20 SymbolicName=GRFP_20_USER_UNKNOWN Language=English Cannot determine current user. . MessageId=21 SymbolicName=GRFP_21_VERSION_INFO_ALLOC Language=English Cannot initialize SE_VERSIONINFO structure. . MessageId=22 SymbolicName=GRFP_22_VERSION_INFO Language=English Version info for '%1$ls' could not be retrieved. . MessageId=23 SymbolicName=GRFP_23_VERSION_INFO_ITEM Language=English Version info item '%1$ls' could not be retrieved. . MessageId=24 SymbolicName=GRFP_24_VERSION_CREATE_FAILED Language=English Cannot create version '%1$ls'. . MessageId=25 SymbolicName=GRFP_25_VERSION_INFO_ITEM Language=English Version info item '%1$ls' could not be set. . MessageId=26 SymbolicName=GRFP_26_VERSION_INFO_LIST Language=English Version info list could not be retrieved. . MessageId=27 SymbolicName=GRFP_27_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE Language=English The given stream offset '%1$d' is too large. . MessageId=28 SymbolicName=GRFP_28_OFFSET_NEGATIVE Language=English The given offset '%1$d' is negative. . MessageId=29 SymbolicName=GRFP_29_INVALID_COUNT Language=English The count '%1$d' is invalid. It must be either positive or -1 to read the entire stream. . MessageId=30 SymbolicName=GRFP_30_COMMAND_PARAMETERS_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Command parameters are not supported. . MessageId=31 SymbolicName=GRFP_31_FILTER_PARAMETERS_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Filter parameters are not supported. . MessageId=32 SymbolicName=GRFP_32_CLOBS_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English CLOBs are not supported. . MessageId=33 SymbolicName=GRFP_33_COULDNT_SET_VALUE Language=English Failed to set value for column '%1$d' on table '%2$ls'. . MessageId=34 SymbolicName=GRFP_34_INSERT_UNEXPECTED_ERROR Language=English Unexpected error while performing insert. . MessageId=35 SymbolicName=GRFP_35_VALUE_TYPE_MISMATCH Language=English Value type to insert or update doesn't match property type. . MessageId=36 SymbolicName=GRFP_36_NO_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION Language=English No long transaction is active. . MessageId=37 SymbolicName=GRFP_37_CONNECTION_INVALID Language=English Connection is invalid. . MessageId=38 SymbolicName=GRFP_38_CANNOT_SET_CONNECTION_STRING Language=English Connection is currently open, cannot set connection string. . MessageId=39 SymbolicName=GRFP_39_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Connection timeout is not supported. . MessageId=40 SymbolicName=GRFP_40_CONNECTION_ALREADY_OPEN Language=English Connection already open. . MessageId=41 SymbolicName=GRFP_41_INVALID_CONNECTION_CONFIGURATION Language=English Invalid connection configuration or connection string. . MessageId=42 SymbolicName=GRFP_42_TRANSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Transaction not supported. . MessageId=43 SymbolicName=GRFP_43_CANNOT_SET_CONFIGURATION Language=English Can not set configuration while the connection is not closed. . MessageId=44 SymbolicName=GRFP_44_INVALID_FILTER Language=English Invalid filter. . MessageId=45 SymbolicName=GRFP_45_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Command not supported. . MessageId=46 SymbolicName=GRFP_46_CLASS_INVALID Language=English Feature class '%1$ls' is invalid. . MessageId=47 SymbolicName=GRFP_47_PROPERTY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Property type '%1$ls' not supported. . MessageId=48 SymbolicName=GRFP_48_FEATURE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND Language=English Feature schema '%1$ls' not found. . MessageId=49 SymbolicName=GRFP_49_CLASS_NAME_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED Language=English Feature class name must be specified. . MessageId=52 SymbolicName=GRFP_52_ONLY_MOSAIC_CLIP_RESAMPLE_SUPPORTED Language=English Only MOSAIC(), CLIP() and RESAMPLE() are supported. . MessageId=53 SymbolicName=GRFP_53_PROPERTY_NOT_EXIST Language=English The property '%1$ls' does not exist in class '%2$ls'. . MessageId=55 SymbolicName=GRFP_55_MOSAIC_CLIP_RESAMPLE_ONLY_APPLY_TO_RASTER Language=English MOSAIC(), CLIP() or RESAMPLE() can only applied to raster property. . MessageId=56 SymbolicName=GRFP_56_ILLEGAL_REQUESTED_PROPERTY Language=English Illegal requested property '%1$ls'. . MessageId=57 SymbolicName=GRFP_57_READNEXT_MUST_BE_CALLED Language=English ReadNext must be called before fetching data. . MessageId=58 SymbolicName=GRFP_58_TYPE_MISMATCH Language=English The requested property '%1$ls' is not a '%2$ls'. . MessageId=59 SymbolicName=GRFP_59_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English '%1$ls' not supported. . MessageId=60 SymbolicName=GRFP_60_SPATIAL_CONTEXT_NOT_EXIST Language=English Specified spatial context '%1$ls' does not exist. . MessageId=61 SymbolicName=GRFP_61_SPATIAL_CONTEXT_EXIST Language=English Specified spatial context '%1$ls' already exists. . MessageId=62 SymbolicName=GRFP_62_INVALID_IMAGE_DEF Language=English Invalid image definition. . MessageId=63 SymbolicName=GRFP_63_FAIL_LOAD_RASTER Language=English Failed to load raster file: '%1$ls'. Unsupported format encoding or error opening file . MessageId=64 SymbolicName=GRFP_64_RASTER_NULL Language=English Operation failed because the raster is null. . MessageId=65 SymbolicName=GRFP_65_DATAMODEL_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Raster data model not supported. . MessageId=66 SymbolicName=GRFP_66_DEFAULT_SPATIAL_CONTEXT_NAME Language=English Dummy Rectangular . MessageId=67 SymbolicName=GRFP_67_DEFAULT_SPATIAL_CONTEXT_DESC Language=English System generated default FDO Spatial Context . MessageId=68 SymbolicName=GRFP_68_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED Language=English Property '%1$ls' not defined. . MessageId=69 SymbolicName=GRFP_69_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED Language=English The FDO connection has not been 'Closed'. The attempted operation is not permitted. . MessageId=70 SymbolicName=GRFP_70_DEFAULT_RASTER_FILE_LOCATION Language=English DefaultRasterFileLocation . MessageId=72 SymbolicName=GRFP_72_LOCK_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Locking not supported. . MessageId=73 SymbolicName=GRFP_73_UNSUPPORTED_TILE_SIZE Language=English Unsupported raster tile size. . MessageId=74 SymbolicName=GRFP_74_RASTER_EXCEPTION Language=English Raster exception: %1$ls . MessageId=75 SymbolicName=GRFP_75_SCHEMA_MAPPING_NOT_FOUND Language=English Feature schema mapping '%1$ls' not found. . MessageId=76 SymbolicName=GRFP_76_FAIL_READ_SPATIAL_CONTEXTS Language=English Failed to de-serialize the spatial contexts from the configuration. . MessageId=77 SymbolicName=GRFP_77_FAIL_READ_FEATURE_SCHEMAS Language=English Failed to de-serialize the feature schemas from the configuration. . MessageId=78 SymbolicName=GRFP_78_FAIL_READ_SCHEMA_MAPPINGS Language=English Failed to de-serialize the schema mappings from the configuration. . MessageId=79 SymbolicName=GRFP_79_RASTER_PROPERTY_NOT_EXIST Language=English Requested raster property '%1$ls' does not exist. . MessageId=80 SymbolicName=GRFP_80_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE Language=English Index out of range. . MessageId=81 SymbolicName=GRFP_81_RASTER_ARGUMENT_DESC Language=English An argument that accepts any expression that evaluates to a raster. . MessageId=82 SymbolicName=GRFP_82_MOSAIC_FUNCTION_DESC Language=English Returns the stitched raster of a series of rasters. . MessageId=84 SymbolicName=GRFP_84_CLIP_INCORRECTLY_USED Language=English CLIP() is incorrectly used. . MessageId=85 SymbolicName=GRFP_85_MOSAIC_INCORRECTLY_USED Language=English MOSAIC() is incorrectly used. . MessageId=86 SymbolicName=GRFP_86_DOUBLE_ARGUMENT_DESC Language=English An argument that accepts a double value. . MessageId=87 SymbolicName=GRFP_87_CLIP_FUNCTION_DESC Language=English Returns subset of the given raster. . MessageId=88 SymbolicName=GRFP_88_CAN_NOT_SELECT_AGGREGATE Language=English Can not select aggregated result by Select command. . MessageId=89 SymbolicName=GRFP_89_UNEXPECTED_RASTER_EXCEPTION Language=English Unexpected raster exception. . MessageId=90 SymbolicName=GRFP_90_RASTER_TOO_LARGE Language=English The stitched raster is too large. . MessageId=91 SymbolicName=GRFP_91_INVALID_GEOREF Language=English Invalid georeferencing information. . MessageId=92 SymbolicName=GRFP_92_BAND_NUMBER_NOT_SEQUENTIAL Language=English Band number is not sequential. . MessageId=93 SymbolicName=GRFP_93_DATAMODEL_ILLEGALLY_STITCHED Language=English Raster data model with Data type could not be stiched with other models. . MessageId=94 SymbolicName=GRFP_94_INVALID_GEOREFERENCE_DEF Language=English Invalid georeference definition. . MessageId=95 SymbolicName=GRFP_95_CANNOT_GET_IMAGE_INFO Language=English Fail to get image information. . MessageId=96 SymbolicName=GRFP_96_FRAME_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE Language=English Frame number is out of range. . MessageId=97 SymbolicName=GRFP_97_MULTI_COORD_SYSTEM_FOR_SINGLE_FEATRUE_CLASS Language=English Multiple Coordinate Systems defined for Feature class '%1$ls'. . MessageId=98 SymbolicName=GRFP_98_MULTI_SPATIAL_CONTEXTS_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English Multiple spatial contexts in a single configuration file is not supported. . MessageId=99 SymbolicName=GRFP_99_INVALID_XML_ATTRIBUTE Language=English Raster Configuration file contains an invalid value '%1$ls' for XML attribute: '%2$ls'. . MessageId=100 SymbolicName=GRFP_100_NO_GEOREFERENCE Language=English Raster image has no geo-reference. . MessageId=101 SymbolicName=GRFP_101_FEATURE_TAG_NOT_FOUND_UNDER_LOCATION Language=English The RasterFile Configuration Override definition requires that element must be either followed by or by nothing. . MessageId=102 SymbolicName=GRFP_102_BAND_TAG_NOT_FOUND_UNDER_FEATURE Language=English The RasterFile Configuration Override definition requires that element must be followed by . . MessageId=103 SymbolicName=GRFP_103_IMAGE_TAG_NOT_FOUND_UNDER_BAND Language=English The RasterFile Configuration Override definition requires that element must be followed by . . MessageId=104 SymbolicName=GRFP_104_LOCATION_TAG_NOT_FOUND_UNDER_RASTERDEFINITION Language=English The RasterFile Configuration Override definition requires that element must be followed by . . MessageId=105 SymbolicName=GRFP_105_RESAMPLE_INCORRECTLY_USED Language=English RESAMPLE() is incorrectly used. . MessageId=106 SymbolicName=GRFP_106_RESAMPLE_FUNCTION_DESC Language=English Resample subset of the given raster. . MessageId=107 SymbolicName=GRFP_107_UINT_ARGUMENT_DESC Language=English An argument that accepts a unsigned integer value. . MessageId=108 SymbolicName=GRFP_108_CLASS_SPATIAL_CONTEXT_NOT_DEFINED Language=English Spatial Context '%1$ls' defined for Class '%2$ls' was not found. . MessageId=109 SymbolicName=GRFP_109_INVALID_CONNECTION_STRING Language=English Invalid connection string '%1$ls' . MessageId=110 SymbolicName=GRFP_110_INVALID_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME Language=English Invalid connection property name '%1$ls' .