## ## Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Autodesk, Inc. ## ## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser ## General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## Lesser General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ## License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ## AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign EXTRA_DIST = ShpProvider.vcproj ShpProvider.rc resource.h noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libSHPProviderSrc.la libSHPProviderSrc_la_SOURCES = \ stdafx.cpp \ ShpCommandCapabilities.cpp \ ShpConnectionCapabilities.cpp \ ShpConnection.cpp \ ShpConnectionInfo.cpp \ ShpSchemaUtilities.cpp \ ShpDescribeSchemaCommand.cpp \ ShpDescribeSchemaMappingCommand.cpp \ ShpApplySchemaCommand.cpp \ ShpDestroySchemaCommand.cpp \ ShpExpressionCapabilities.cpp \ ShpFeatureReader.cpp \ ShpFilterExecutor.cpp \ ShpFileSet.cpp \ ShpFilterCapabilities.cpp \ ShpGeometryCapabilities.cpp \ ShpQueryOptimizer.cpp \ ShpFeatIdQueryTester.cpp \ ShpFeatIdQueryEvaluator.cpp \ ShpRasterCapabilities.cpp \ ShpSchemaCapabilities.cpp \ ShpSelectCommand.cpp \ ShpSelectAggregates.cpp \ ShpOptimizedAggregateReader.cpp \ ShpInsertCommand.cpp \ ShpUpdateCommand.cpp \ ShpDeleteCommand.cpp \ ShpTopologyCapabilities.cpp \ ShpGetSpatialContextsCommand.cpp \ ShpCreateSpatialContextCommand.cpp \ ShpSpatialContext.cpp \ ShpSpatialContextReader.cpp \ ShpPhysicalSchema.cpp \ ShpLpClassDefinition.cpp \ ShpLpFeatureSchema.cpp \ ShpLpPropertyDefinition.cpp \ ShpScrollableFeatureReader.cpp \ ShpCompareHandler.cpp \ ShpImpExtendedSelect.cpp noinst_HEADERS = $(libSHPProviderSrc_la_SOURCES) \ resource.h \ ShpFeatureReader.h \ ShpRasterCapabilities.h \ ShpApplySchemaCommand.h \ ShpFileSet.h \ ShpReader.h \ ShpCommandCapabilities.h \ ShpFilterCapabilities.h \ ShpSchemaCapabilities.h \ ShpConnectionCapabilities.h \ ShpFilterExecutor.h \ ShpSchemaUtilities.h \ ShpConnection.h \ ShpGeometryCapabilities.h \ ShpSelectAggregates.h \ ShpConnectionInfo.h \ ShpGetSpatialContextsCommand.h \ ShpCreateSpatialContextCommand.h \ ShpSelectCommand.h \ ShpDeleteCommand.h \ ShpInsertCommand.h \ ShpSpatialContext.h \ ShpDescribeSchemaCommand.h \ ShpLpClassDefinition.h \ ShpSpatialContextReader.h \ ShpDescribeSchemaMappingCommand.h \ ShpLpFeatureSchema.h \ ShpOptimizedAggregateReader.h \ ShpDestroySchemaCommand.h \ ShpLpPropertyDefinition.h \ ShpTopologyCapabilities.h \ ShpExpressionCapabilities.h \ ShpPhysicalSchema.h \ ShpUpdateCommand.h \ ShpFeatIdQueryEvaluator.h \ ShpProvider.h \ stdafx.h \ ShpFeatIdQueryTester.h \ ShpQueryOptimizer.h libSHPProviderSrc_la_LDFLAGS = INCLUDES = \ -I../Message/Inc/ \ -I../ShpRead \ -I../ShpSpatialIndex \ -I$(FDO)/Unmanaged/Inc \ -I$(FDOUTILITIES)/Common/Inc \ -I../../Inc \ -I$(FDO)/Unmanaged/Inc/Fdo/Expression CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ -D__USE_GNU -DLINUX -DLINUX_IA32