title = $title; } public $title; } $locale = GetDefaultLocale(); $userInput = ""; $target = ""; $popup = 0; $layerName = ""; $mapName = ""; $sessionId = ""; $filter = ""; $resNames = array(); $resProps = array(); $matchLimit = ""; $features = NULL; $pointZoom = 500.0; GetRequestParameters(); SetLocalizedFilesPath(GetLocalizationPath()); $searchError = GetLocalizedString("SEARCHERROR", $locale); try { $featureSrvc = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService); //Create a temporary map runtime object, locate the layer $map = new MgMap($siteConnection); $map->Open($mapName); $layers = $map->GetLayers(); $layer = null; //fwrite($logHandle,"found layers:".$layers->GetCount()."\n"); for($i = 0; $i < $layers->GetCount(); $i++) { $layer = $layers->GetItem($i); //fwrite($logHandle,"found layer:".$layer->GetName()."\n"); if($layer->GetName() == $layerName) break; } if($layer == null) { trigger_error(FormatMessage("SEARCHLAYERNOTFOUND", $locale, array($layerName))); } $userInput = str_replace("'", "''", $userInput); //unescape strings // if(ini_get("magic_quotes_sybase") == "1") { $matchLabel = str_replace("''", "'", $matchLabel); $filter = str_replace("''", "'", $filter); } else if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == "1") { //Unescape single quotes $filter = str_replace("\\'", "'", $filter); //Unescape double quotes $filter = str_replace('\\"', '"', $filter); //remove additional backslash $filter = str_replace("\\", "", $filter); } //fwrite($logHandle,"filter before:".$filter."\n"); //substitute the input tag with the actual user input to make up the filter $filter = str_replace('$USER_VARIABLE', $userInput, $filter); //fwrite($logHandle,"filter after:".$filter."\n"); //parse the match label string, which defines what columns to be displayed $displayAll = (count($resProps) == 0); //query the features $clsDef = $layer->GetClassDefinition(); $opts = BuildFeatureQueryOptions($clsDef); $opts->SetFilter($filter); $featureClassName = $layer->GetFeatureClassName(); $srcId = new MgResourceIdentifier($layer->GetFeatureSourceId()); $features = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($srcId, $featureClassName, $opts); $hasResult = $features->ReadNext(); if($hasResult) { //fwrite($logHandle,"has result\n"); $colCount = $displayAll? $features->GetPropertyCount(): count($resProps); //output the beginning of the document (head section and beginning of body section) $templ = file_get_contents("./Search.templ"); $templ = Localize($templ, $locale, GetClientOS()); print sprintf($templ, $colCount, $target, $popup, $mapName); $classDef = $features->GetClassDefinition(); $clsProps = $classDef->GetProperties(); $geomName = $classDef->GetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(); $bHasPoint = false; $xform = NULL; // layer -> map transform $agfRw = new MgAgfReaderWriter(); if ($geomName != NULL && $geomName != "") { $gidx = $clsProps->IndexOf($geomName); if ($gidx >= 0) { $geomProp = $clsProps->GetItem($gidx); if ($geomProp->GetGeometryTypes() & MgFeatureGeometricType::Point == MgFeatureGeometricType::Point) { $bHasPoint = true; // Set layer -> map transform if required $scReader = $featureSrvc->GetSpatialContexts($srcId, false); while ($scReader->ReadNext()) { if ($scReader->GetName() == $geomProp->GetSpatialContextAssociation()) { $csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); try { $mapCs = $csFactory->Create($map->GetMapSRS()); $layerCs = $csFactory->Create($scReader->GetCoordinateSystemWkt()); $xform = $csFactory->GetTransform($layerCs, $mapCs); } catch (MgException $ex) { } } } $scReader->Close(); } } } $idProps = $classDef->GetIdentityProperties(); $idPropNames = array(); for($j = 0; $j < $idProps->GetCount(); $j++) { $idProp = $idProps->GetItem($j); array_push($idPropNames, $idProp->GetName()); } //table headings echo ""; if($displayAll) { for($i = 0; $i < $colCount; $i++) { $resProps[$i] = $features->GetPropertyName($i); echo " " . $resProps[$i] . ""; } } else { for($i = 0; $i < $colCount; $i++) echo " " . $resNames[$i] . ""; } echo ""; //output the results $row = 0; do { echo ""; for($i = 0; $i < $colCount; $i++) { $propName = $resProps[$i]; $propType = $features->GetPropertyType($resProps[$i]); $val = ""; if (!$features->IsNull($propName)) { switch($propType) { case MgPropertyType::Boolean: $val = $features->GetBoolean($propName)? "true": "false"; break; case MgPropertyType::Single: $val = $features->GetSingle($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::Double: $val = $features->GetDouble($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::Int16: $val = $features->GetInt16($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::Int32: $val = $features->GetInt32($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::Int64: $val = $features->GetInt64($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::String: $val = $features->GetString($propName); break; case MgPropertyType::DateTime: $val = $features->GetDateTime($propName)->ToString(); break; } } // Generate XML to selection this feature // $sel = new MgSelection($map); $idProps = new MgPropertyCollection(); foreach ($idPropNames as $id) { $idPropType = $features->GetPropertyType($id); switch($idPropType) { case MgPropertyType::Int16: $idProps->Add(new MgInt16Property($id, $features->GetInt16($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::Int32: $idProps->Add(new MgInt32Property($id, $features->GetInt32($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::String: $idProps->Add(new MgStringProperty($id, $features->GetString($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::Int64: $idProps->Add(new MgInt64Property($id, $features->GetInt64($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::Double: $idProps->Add(new MgDoubleProperty($id, $features->GetDouble($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::Single: $idProps->Add(new MgSingleProperty($id, $features->GetSingle($id))); break; case MgPropertyType::DateTime: $idProps->Add(new MgDateTimeProperty($id, $features->GetDateTime($id))); break; default: throw new SearchError(FormatMessage("SEARCHTYYPENOTSUP", $locale, array($idPropType)), $searchError); } } $sel->AddFeatureIds($layer, $featureClassName, $idProps); $selText = EscapeForHtml($sel->ToXml(), true); //For points, we want to wire up a different cell click handler if ($bHasPoint) { try { $agf = $features->GetGeometry($geomName); $geom = $agfRw->Read($agf, $xform); if ($geom->GetGeometryType() == MgGeometryType::Point) { $coord = $geom->GetCoordinate(); $x = $coord->GetX(); $y = $coord->GetY(); } echo sprintf(" %s\n", !($row%2)? "Search" : "Search2", $row, $i, $row, $selText, $x, $y, $pointZoom, $val); } catch (MgException $ex) { echo sprintf(" %s\n", !($row%2)? "Search" : "Search2", $row, $i, $row, $selText, $val); } } else { echo sprintf(" %s\n", !($row%2)? "Search" : "Search2", $row, $i, $row, $selText, $val); } } echo ""; if (++ $row == $matchLimit) break; } while($features->ReadNext()); } else { throw new SearchError(GetLocalizedString("SEARCHNOMATCHES", $locale), GetLocalizedString("SEARCHREPORT", $locale)); } $features->Close(); } catch(MgException $ae) { if($features) { // Close the feature reader $features->Close(); } OnError($searchError, $ae->GetDetails()); } catch(SearchError $e) { if($features) { // Close the feature reader $features->Close(); } OnError($e->title, $e->getMessage()); } //terminate the html document echo ""; // Set content length header header("Content-Length:".ob_get_length()); // Flush output buffer ob_end_flush(); function OnError($title, $msg) { global $target, $popup, $mapName, $locale; $ok = GetLocalizedString("BUTTONOK", $locale); $cancel = GetLocalizedString("BUTTONCANCEL", $locale); $templ = file_get_contents("./ErrorPage.templ"); print sprintf($templ, $popup, $mapName, $title, $msg, $ok, $cancel); } function GetParameters($params) { global $userInput, $target, $layerName, $popup, $locale; global $mapName, $sessionId, $filter, $resNames, $resProps, $matchLimit; global $pointZoom; if(isset($params['locale'])) $locale = $params['locale']; $userInput = $params['userinput']; $target = $params['target']; $popup = $params['popup']; $layerName = $params['layer']; $mapName = $params['mapname']; $sessionId = $params['session']; $filter = $params['filter']; $matchLimit = $params['limit']; $colCount = $params['cols']; if($colCount > 0) { for($i = 0; $i < $colCount; $i++) { array_push($resNames, $params['CN' . $i]); array_push($resProps, $params['CP' . $i]); } } if (isset($params['pointZoom'])) { $pointZoom = $params['pointZoom']; } } function GetRequestParameters() { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") GetParameters($_POST); else GetParameters($_GET); } ?>