layers = array(); define('ICON_SIZE', 16); $nIconWidth = $oMap->legend->keysizex; $nIconHeight = $oMap->legend->keysizey; if ($nIconWidth <=0) $nIconWidth = ICON_SIZE; if ($nIconWidth <=0) $nIconWidth = ICON_SIZE; $nTotalClasses=0; $aIcons = array(); /*special case to force the the legend icons to be drawn using a gd driver This was fixed in ticket which will be available for mapserver version 5.2.1 and 5.4 Note that we do not check the outputformat of the map (assuming that we are using GD or AGG renderers) */ $nVersion = ms_GetVersionInt(); if ($nVersion <= 50200) /*5.2 and before*/ $oMap->selectOutputFormat("png24"); for($i=0;$i<$oMap->numlayers;$i++) { if (isset($_SESSION['scale_ranges']) && isset($_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$i])) { $layer = $oMap->getLayer($i); $scaleranges = $_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$i]; //print_r($scaleranges); //echo "aaa
"; $layerObj = NULL; $layerObj->uniqueId = $i; /*generate the legend icons here*/ //echo count($scaleranges) . "
\n"; $nScaleRanges = count($scaleranges); for ($j=0; $j<$nScaleRanges; $j++) { $nStyles = count($scaleranges[$j]->styles); for ($k=0; $k<$nStyles; $k++) { $nClassIndex = $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->index; $oClass = $layer->getClass($nClassIndex); $oImg = $oClass->createLegendIcon($nIconWidth, $nIconHeight); array_push($aIcons, $oImg); $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->icon_x = ($nTotalClasses*$nIconWidth); $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->icon_y=0; $nTotalClasses++; } } $layerObj->scaleRanges = $scaleranges; array_push($scaleObj->layers, $layerObj); } } if ($nTotalClasses > 0) { //set the image path and image dir based on what fusion config file $configObj = $_SESSION['fusionConfig']; $original_imagepath = $oMap->web->imagepath; $original_imageurl = $oMap->web->imageurl; if (isset($configObj->mapserver->imagePath) && $configObj->mapserver->imagePath !="") $oMap->web->set("imagepath", $configObj->mapserver->imagePath); if(isset($configObj->mapserver->imageUrl) && $configObj->mapserver->imageUrl!="") $oMap->web->set("imageurl", $configObj->mapserver->imageUrl); //build and image containing all the icons and return url $nTmpWidth = $oMap->width; $nTmpHeight = $oMap->height; $oMap->set("width", $nTotalClasses*$nIconWidth); $oMap->set("height", $nIconHeight); $oImage = $oMap->prepareImage(); $oMap->set("width", $nTmpWidth); $oMap->set("height", $nTmpHeight); for ($i=0; $i<$nTotalClasses;$i++) $oImage->pasteImage($aIcons[$i], -1, $i*$nIconWidth, 0); $scaleObj->icons_url = $oImage->saveWebImage(); $scaleObj->icons_width = $nIconWidth; $scaleObj->icons_height = $nIconHeight; $oMap->web->set("imagepath", $original_imagepath); $oMap->web->set("imageurl", $original_imageurl); } header('Content-type: text/x-json'); header('X-JSON: true'); echo var2json($scaleObj); exit;