SetMargins(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(0); $pdf->SetFooterMargin(0); // Prevent adding page automatically $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); // Remove default header/footer $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); // Set default font size $pdf->SetFont($font, "", 16, "", true); // Add a page $pdf->AddPage(); // The print size determines the size of the PDF, not the size of the map and legend images // we want to request back to put into this PDF. // // What that means is that we should draw the surrounding print elements first (title, scale, disclaimer), // then adjust the image request sizes to ensure they (and element drawn on top like coordinates) will fit // correctly in the remaining space. // // Title, scale and disclaimer rendering will all return Metrics objects that will give us the information // needed for the size adjustments // Draw Title $mTitle = DrawTitle(); $mScale = NULL; if ($showScaleBar) { // Draw Scale $mScale = DrawScale(); } // Draw declaration $mDec = DrawDeclaration(($mScale != NULL) ? ($mScale->x + $mScale->w) : 0); // Adjust width and height of the images we want to request to compensate for surrounding print elements that have been rendered // Check the size of the disclaimer and adjust height $idealHeight = $pdf->getPageHeight() - ($mDec->h - ($mScale != NULL ? $mScale->h : 0)) - $margin[0] - $margin[1]; //var_dump($idealHeight); //var_dump($printSize); //die; if ($idealHeight < $printSize->height); $printSize->height = $idealHeight; $idealWidth = $pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin[2] - $margin[3]; if ($idealWidth < $printSize->width); $printSize->width = $idealWidth; // Construct the querysting which can be used to generate the Map image $query_string = "session_id=".$_POST['sessionId']."&map_name=".$_POST['mapName']."&print_size=".$printSize->width.",".$printSize->height. "&print_dpi=".$_POST['dpi']."&box=".$_POST['box']."&normalized_box=".$_POST['normalizedBox']. "&scale_denominator=".$_POST['scaleDenominator']."&rotation=".$_POST['rotation']."&northarrow=".($showNorthArrow ? "1" : "0"); // Construct the querystring which can be used to generate the legend if ($showLegend) { if (strcmp($legendType, "original") == 0) { $legend_query_string = "OPERATION=GETMAPLEGENDIMAGE&VERSION=1.0.0&FORMAT=PNG&SESSION=".$_POST["sessionId"]."&MAPNAME=".$_POST["mapName"]."&WIDTH=".InToPx($legendWidth, $printDpi)."&HEIGHT=".InToPx($printSize->height, $printDpi); } else { $legend_query_string = "session_id=".$_POST['sessionId']."&map_name=".$_POST['mapName']."&width=".InToPx($legendWidth, $printDpi)."&height=".InToPx($printSize->height, $printDpi); } } $filelocation = ""; $legendfilelocation = ""; if("80" === $port) { $filelocation = $protocol.$host.$pathString.$generatePage.$query_string; if ($showLegend) $legendfilelocation = $protocol.$host.$legendPathString.$generateLegend.$legend_query_string; } else { $filelocation = $protocol.$host.":".$port.$pathString.$generatePage.$query_string; if ($showLegend) $legendfilelocation = $protocol.$host.":".$port.$legendPathString.$generateLegend.$legend_query_string; } //Uncomment to see the legend and map image urls //var_dump($filelocation); //var_dump($legendfilelocation); //die; // Draw Map $pdf->Image($filelocation, ($margin[2]), $margin[0], $printSize->width, $printSize->height, "PNG", "", "", false, $printDpi, "", false, false, 1, false, false, false); // Draw legend if specified if ($showLegend) { $pdf->Image($legendfilelocation, $margin[2], $margin[0], $legendWidth, $printSize->height, "PNG", "", "", false, $printDpi, "", false, false, 1, false, false, false); } // Draw coordiates if specified $mExt = NULL; if ($showCoordinates) { // Draw Extent coordinates $mExt = DrawExtentCS(); } // Close and output PDF document $pdf->Output($title.'.pdf', 'I'); ?> x = $x; $this->y = $y; $this->w = $w; $this->h = $h; } } class Size { public $width; public $height; public function __construct($width, $height) { $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; } } function ParseLocaleDouble($stringValue) { $lc = localeconv(); $result = str_replace(".", $lc["decimal_point"], $stringValue); return doubleval($result); } function InToPx($in, $dpi) { return ($in * $dpi) / 25.4; } function PxToIn($px, $dpi) { return ($px * 25.4) / $dpi; } //This function try to get a more elegant number for the scale bar display. //For example, convert 5.3 to 5, 5.5 to 6, 13 to 10, 230 to 200 and 1234 to 1200. //Basically no number will execced 9999 in scale bar display, however we support that situation //the minimum number for the return value is 0 function GetRoundNumber($number) { $number = abs($number); $temp = $number = round($number); $len = 0; while($temp > 0) { $len++; $temp /= 10; $temp = floor($temp); } //10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 if( 2 === $len ) { $number = $number / 10; $number = round($number); $number = $number * 10; } //100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 if( $len >= 3 ) { $number = $number / 100; $number = round($number); $number = $number * 100; } //else, just 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 return $number; } function DrawScale() { global $pdf,$margin,$font,$scale; $pageHeight = $pdf->getPageHeight(); $paddingBottom = 7; $textPadding = 5; $fontSize = 6; $style = array("width" => 0.4, "cap" => "butt", "join" => "miter", "dash" => 0, "color" => array(0, 0, 0)); $start_x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2]); $start_y = $pageHeight - $paddingBottom; $lineMark_h = 3; $textMarkPadding = 1.0; // $unit = "m"; $imageSpan = 20; // the 20 is a suggested scale bar length $realSpan = $scale * 0.02; // $imageSpan / 1000 if($realSpan >= 1000) { $unit = "km"; $realSpan /= 1000; $realSpan = GetRoundNumber($realSpan); $imageSpan = ($realSpan * 1000000)/$scale; } else { $realSpan = GetRoundNumber($realSpan); $imageSpan = ($realSpan * 1000) / $scale; } $end_x = $start_x + $imageSpan; $end_y = $start_y; $meterTextMark = $realSpan." ".$unit; $pdf->SetFont($font, "", $fontSize, "", true); $pdf->Line($start_x, $start_y, $end_x, $end_y, $style); $pdf->Line($start_x, $start_y, $start_x, $start_y - $lineMark_h, $style); $pdf->Line($end_x, $end_y, $end_x, $end_y - $lineMark_h, $style); $fontSize = 7; $textHeight = 4; $pdf->SetFont($font, "", $fontSize, "", true); $pdf->Text($start_x + $textMarkPadding, $start_y - $textHeight, $meterTextMark); $textStart_x = $end_x; // // $unit ="ft"; $aFeetPerMeter = 3.2808; $aFeetPerMile = 5280; $aMeterPerFeet = 0.3048; $imageSpan = 20; // the 20 is a suggested scale bar length, in "mm" $realSpan = ( ($scale * $imageSpan) / 1000 ) * $aFeetPerMeter; if($realSpan > $aFeetPerMile) { $unit = "mi"; $realSpan /= $aFeetPerMile; $realSpan = GetRoundNumber($realSpan); $imageSpan = ( $realSpan * $aFeetPerMile * $aMeterPerFeet * 1000 ) / $scale; } else { $realSpan = GetRoundNumber($realSpan); $imageSpan = ( $realSpan * $aMeterPerFeet * 1000 ) / $scale; } $end_x = $start_x + $imageSpan; $end_y = $start_y; $feetTextMark = $realSpan.' '.$unit; $pdf->Line($start_x, $start_y, $end_x, $end_y, $style); $pdf->Line($start_x, $start_y, $start_x, $start_y + $lineMark_h, $style); $pdf->Line($end_x, $end_y, $end_x, $end_y + $lineMark_h, $style); $pdf->SetFont($font, "", $fontSize, "", true); $pdf->Text($start_x + $textMarkPadding, $start_y + 1, $feetTextMark); // //determine where to begin to print the absolute scale and date info if($end_x > $textStart_x) { $textStart_x = $end_x; } $textStart_x += $textPadding; //write the scale $fontSize = 8; $pdf->SetFont($font, "", $fontSize, "", true); $scaleText = "Scale 1:".$scale; $pdf->Text($textStart_x, $end_y + 0.2, $scaleText); //write the date $date = date("M/d/Y"); $pdf->Text($textStart_x + 0.3, $end_y - 3.8, $date); return new Metrics($margin[2], $start_y, $textStart_x, ($end_y + 0.2) - $start_y); } function DrawDeclaration($offX) { global $pdf, $font, $margin, $printSize, $legendWidth; $declaration= $_POST["legalNotice"]; //$declaration_w = $pdf->GetStringWidth($declaration,$font,9); $pdf->SetFont($font, "", 9, "", true); $bottomPadding = 2.5; //Sometimes the declaration is too short, less than 100 unit, we could set the cell width as the string length //so it will align to the right $SingleLineDeclarationWidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($declaration, $font, "", 9, false) + $legendWidth; $tolerance = 3; $w = $pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin[0] - $margin[1] - $offX; if( $SingleLineDeclarationWidth + $tolerance < $w ) { $w = $SingleLineDeclarationWidth + $tolerance; } $h = 5; $border = 0; //no border $align = "L";//align left $tolerance = 2; //$x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2] + $legendWidth) + $printSize->width - $w + $tolerance; $x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2]) + $offX + $tolerance; $cellTotalHeight = $pdf->getStringHeight($w,$declaration); $y = $pdf->getPageHeight() - $cellTotalHeight - $bottomPadding; if (strlen($declaration) == 0) return new Metrics($x, $y, 0, 0); $pdf->MultiCell($w, $h, $declaration, $border, $align, false, 0, $x , $y , true); return new Metrics($x, $y, $w, $pdf->getStringHeight($w, $declaration)); } function DrawExtentCS() { global $pdf, $font, $margin, $printSize, $legendWidth; if( $_POST["normalizedBox"] && trim($_POST["normalizedBox"]) != "" ) { $fontSize = 9; $decimals = 6; $padding = 5; $textHeight = 5; $normalizedBox = $_POST["normalizedBox"]; $extent_cs = explode(",",$normalizedBox);//2,3 ; 6,7 $lefttop_cs = " x:".number_format($extent_cs[6], $decimals).", y:".number_format($extent_cs[7], $decimals)." "; $rightbuttom_cs = " x:".number_format($extent_cs[2], $decimals).", y:".number_format($extent_cs[3], $decimals)." "; $pdf->SetFont($font, "", $fontSize, "", true); //cell width $lt_cellwidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($lefttop_cs,$font,$fontSize); $rb_cellwidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($rightbuttom_cs,$font,$fontSize); //cell location $lefttop = array((ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2]) + $padding),(ParseLocaleDouble($margin[0]) + $padding)); $rightbuttom = array((ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2]) + $printSize->width - $rb_cellwidth - $padding),(ParseLocaleDouble($margin[0]) + $printSize->height - $padding - $textHeight)); $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->SetXY($lefttop[0] + $legendWidth, $lefttop[1], false); $pdf->Cell($lt_cellwidth, 0, $lefttop_cs, 1, 0, '', true, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M'); $pdf->SetXY($rightbuttom[0], $rightbuttom[1], false); $pdf->Cell($rb_cellwidth, 0, $rightbuttom_cs, 1, 0, '', true, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M'); } } function DrawTitle() { global $pdf, $margin, $title, $subTitle,$font; $html = '
'; //print title left position $titleWidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($title, $font, "B", 18, false); $x = ($pdf->getPageWidth() - $titleWidth) / 2; if($x < 0.0) { $x = 0; } //print title top position $y = 5; if( $margin[0] > 0.0 ) { $y = $margin[0] / 4; } // Print text using writeHTMLCell() $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, $x, $y, $html, 0, 1, false, true, "C", true); return new Metrics($x, $y, $titleWidth, $pdf->getStringHeight(0, $title)); } ?>