Proj4 string lookup table using the common property that ties both of * them together: The EPSG code. * * For each CS-Map coordinate system with an epsg code, we fire off a request to for the matching proj4 string * * Run this script sparingly as it will hammer for proj4 strings for every CS-Map coordinate system with a proj4 string * * This script should be run from the command-line via the PHP CLI interpreter as opposed to from a web-browser. Invocation is like so: * * php.exe CsMap2Proj.php */ //Guard against non-CLI execution if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { echo "This script can only be run via the PHP CLI interpreter
Usage: php.exe CsMap2Proj.php"; exit; } include ('Common.php'); if(InitializationErrorOccurred()) { DisplayInitializationErrorText(); exit; } include ('Utilities.php'); function get_proj4_string($epsgCode) { $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; $url = "$epsgCode/proj4/"; curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,$timeout); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (strpos($data, "Not found") !== false) return null; else return $data; } $file = fopen("csmap2proj4.js", "w"); fwrite($file, "/*\n csmap2proj4.js - A Mentor code to proj4 string lookup table\n\n This file was generated by CsMap2Proj.php\n */\n"); $grandTotal = 0; $mappedTotal = 0; $csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); $csCategories = $csFactory->EnumerateCategories(); for ($k = 0; $k < $csCategories->GetCount(); $k++) { $category = $csCategories->GetItem($k); echo ">>> Fetching CS-Map coordinate systems: $category <<<\n"; $csCodes = $csFactory->EnumerateCoordinateSystems($category); $mapped = 0; $grandTotal += $csCodes->GetCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $csCodes->GetCount(); $i++) { $csProps = $csCodes->GetItem($i); for ($j = 0; $j < $csProps->GetCount(); $j++) { $prop = $csProps->GetItem($j); if (strcmp(strtolower($prop->GetName()), "code") == 0) { try { $csCode = $prop->GetValue(); $csWkt = $csFactory->ConvertCoordinateSystemCodeToWkt($csCode); if (strlen(trim($csWkt)) == 0) { echo "Skipping $csCode: Empty WKT\n"; continue; } $epsg = $csFactory->ConvertWktToEpsgCode($csWkt); if ($epsg <= 0) { echo "Skipping $csCode: Invalid EPSG code - $epsg\n"; continue; } if ($epsg == 3785 || $epsg == 4269 || $epsg == 4326 || $epsg == 102113 || $epsg == 900913) { echo "Skipping $csCode: EPSG code already defined by Proj4js - $epsg\n"; continue; } try { $proj4 = get_proj4_string($epsg); if ($proj4 != null) { $line = "Proj4js.defs[\"EPSG:$epsg\"] = \"$proj4\"; //Mentor: $csCode\n"; fwrite($file, $line); echo "Got proj4 string for: $csCode (EPSG:$epsg)\n"; $mapped++; } else { echo "No proj4 string for: $csCode (EPSG:$epsg)\n"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "ERROR fetching EPSG $epsg: ".$ex->getMessage().". Skipping\n"; } } catch (MgException $ex) { echo "MgException - ".$ex->GetExceptionMessage().". Skipping\n"; } } } } $mappedTotal += $mapped; echo ">>> Mapped $mapped of ".$csCodes->GetCount()." to proj4 ($mappedTotal / $grandTotal processed) <<<\n"; } fclose($file); echo "=========== $mappedTotal of $grandTotal CS-MAP coordinate systems mapped to proj4js ================="; ?>