GetExceptionMessage() . "\n"; $msg .= $e->GetDetails() . "\n"; $msg .= $e->GetStackTrace() . "\n"; RenderTextToImage($msg); } catch (Exception $ex) { $msg = $ex->GetMessage(); RenderTextToImage($msg); } imagedestroy($groupIcon); imagedestroy($dwfIcon); imagedestroy($rasterIcon); imagedestroy($themeIcon); ?> getElementsByTagName("CompositeTypeStyle"); if ($styleNodes->length > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $styleNodes->length; $i++) { $showInLegend = $styleNodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("ShowInLegend"); if($showInLegend->length > 0) { if($showInLegend->item(0)->nodeValue == "false") { continue; // This typestyle does not need to be shown in the legend } } $ruleNodes = $styleNodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("CompositeRule"); $totalRules += $ruleNodes->length; if ($ruleNodes->length > 0) $gt = ($i + 1); } return $totalRules > 1; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($typeStyles); $i++) { $styleNodes = $scaleRange->getElementsByTagName($typeStyles[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < $styleNodes->length; $j++) { $showInLegend = $styleNodes->item($j)->getElementsByTagName("ShowInLegend"); if($showInLegend->length > 0) { if($showInLegend->item(0)->nodeValue == "false") { continue; // This typestyle does not need to be shown in the legend } } $ruleNodes = $styleNodes->item($j)->getElementsByTagName($ruleNames[$i]); $totalRules += $ruleNodes->length; if ($ruleNodes->length > 0) array_push($geomTypes, ($i + 1)); } } //A themed layer has # rules > # style types, implying at least one or more style types //has > 1 rule attached if (count($geomTypes) == 1) { //Single type, need to set the geom type $gt = $geomTypes[0]; } return $totalRules > 1; } } // HasVisibleLayers // // Returns true if the group has one or more visible or the group has no visible layers but one or more // of its child groups has one or more visible layers. function HasVisibleLayers($groupName) { global $groupVisibleLayerCount, $groupChildren; $total = 0; if (array_key_exists($groupName, $groupVisibleLayerCount)) { if ($groupVisibleLayerCount[$groupName] > 0) { return true; } } if (array_key_exists($groupName, $groupChildren)) { foreach ($groupChildren[$groupName] as $childGroupName) { if (HasVisibleLayers($childGroupName)) { return true; } } } return false; } // CompileVisibleLayerCount // // Sets up the various temporary data structures for establishing visible layer count and group relationships function CompileVisibleLayerCount($map) { global $groupVisibleLayerCount, $groupParents, $groupChildren; $layers = $map->GetLayers(); $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups(); for ($i = 0; $i < $layers->GetCount(); $i++) { $layer = $layers->GetItem($i); if (!$layer->IsVisible()) //Not visible continue; $parentGroup = $layer->GetGroup(); if ($parentGroup == NULL) //No parent continue; $groupName = $parentGroup->GetName(); if (!array_key_exists($groupName, $groupVisibleLayerCount)) { $groupVisibleLayerCount[$groupName] = 0; } $groupVisibleLayerCount[$groupName]++; } for ($i = 0; $i < $groups->GetCount(); $i++) { $group = $groups->GetItem($i); $parentGroup = $group->GetGroup(); if ($parentGroup != NULL) { $groupName = $group->GetName(); $parentGroupName = $parentGroup->GetName(); $groupParents[$groupName] = $parentGroupName; if (!array_key_exists($parentGroupName, $groupChildren)) { $groupChildren[$parentGroupName] = array(); } array_push($groupChildren, $groupName); } } } function GenerateLegend() { global $sessionID, $mapName, $width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY, $xPad, $yPad, $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $xIndent, $groupIcon, $fontIndex, $textColor; $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionID); $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection(); $siteConnection->Open($userInfo); $resourceService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService); $mappingService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::MappingService); $map = new MgMap(); $map->Open($resourceService, $mapName); $scale = $map->GetViewScale(); CompileVisibleLayerCount($map); $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $textColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white); //Uncomment regions marked with BEGIN DEBUG / END DEBUG and comment out regions marked with //BEGIN COMMENT OUT IF DEBUGGING / END COMMENT OUT IF DEBUGGING to see what PHP-isms get spewed out //that may be tripping up rendering // //Also replace instances of "////print_r" with "//print_r" to insta-uncomment all debugging calls //==BEGIN DEBUG== //header("Content-type: text/html", true); //==END DEBUG== ProcessGroupsForLegend($mappingService, $resourceService, $map, $scale, NULL, $image); //==BEGIN COMMENT OUT IF DEBUGGING== header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($image); //==END COMMENT OUT IF DEBUGGING== //==BEGIN DEBUG== /* ob_start(); imagepng($image); $im = base64_encode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); echo "legend image"; */ //==END DEBUG== imagecolordeallocate($image, $white); imagecolordeallocate($image, $textColor); imagedestroy($image); } function ProcessGroupsForLegend($mappingService, $resourceService, $map, $scale, $parentGroup, $image) { global $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $height, $fontIndex, $iconFormat, $offsetX, $offsetY, $font, $fontSizePt, $xPad, $yPad, $xIndent, $themeIcon, $groupIcon, $dwfIcon, $rasterIcon, $textColor; $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups(); ProcessLayersForLegend($mappingService, $resourceService, $map, $scale, $parentGroup, $image); for ($i = 0; $i < $groups->GetCount(); $i++) { $group = $groups->GetItem($i); $parentGroupOfGroup = $group->GetGroup(); //One has a parent and the other one doesn't if (($parentGroupOfGroup != NULL && $parentGroup == NULL) || ($parentGroupOfGroup == NULL && $parentGroup != NULL)) { continue; } //Parents aren't same if (($parentGroupOfGroup != NULL && $parentGroup != NULL) && ($parentGroupOfGroup->GetObjectId() != $parentGroup->GetObjectId())) { continue; } if (!$group->GetDisplayInLegend()) continue; //There are no actual visible layers to render icons for. if (!HasVisibleLayers($group->GetName())) continue; //print_r("GROUP: ".$group->GetLegendLabel()." (".$group->GetName().") - ".$group->GetObjectId()."
"); //Draw the image imagecopy($image, $groupIcon, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + 16), $offsetY, $group->GetLegendLabel(), $textColor); $offsetX += $xIndent; $offsetY += $iconHeight; $offsetY += $yPad; if ($offsetY > $height) break; ProcessGroupsForLegend($mappingService, $resourceService, $map, $scale, $group, $image); $offsetX -= $xIndent; } } function ProcessLayersForLegend($mappingService, $resourceService, $map, $scale, $group, $image) { global $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $height, $fontIndex, $iconFormat, $offsetX, $offsetY, $font, $fontSizePt, $xPad, $yPad, $xIndent, $themeIcon, $groupIcon, $dwfIcon, $rasterIcon, $textColor; $layers = $map->GetLayers(); for ($i = 0; $i < $layers->GetCount(); $i++) { $layer = $layers->GetItem($i); if (!$layer->IsVisible() || !$layer->GetDisplayInLegend()) { //print_r("[SKIP]: Skipping layer (".$layer->GetLegendLabel().") - not visible or not set to display in legend
"); continue; } if ($offsetY > $height) { //print_r("********** STOP! Past image bounds ****************
"); break; } $parentGroup = $layer->GetGroup(); $bRequiredInLegend = false; $grpId = ""; $parentId = ""; if ($group != NULL) $grpId = $group->GetObjectId(); if ($parentGroup != NULL) $parentId = $parentGroup->GetObjectId(); if ($group == NULL && $parentGroup == NULL) $bRequiredInLegend = true; else if ($parentGroup != NULL && $group != NULL && $group->GetObjectId() == $parentGroup->GetObjectId()) $bRequiredInLegend = true; if (!$bRequiredInLegend) { //print_r("[SKIP]: Skipping layer (".$layer->GetLegendLabel().", group: $grpId, layer's parent: $parentId) - not required in legend
"); continue; } $ldfId = $layer->GetLayerDefinition(); $layerContent = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($ldfId); $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmldoc->loadXML(ByteReaderToString($layerContent)); $scaleRanges = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('VectorScaleRange'); if ($scaleRanges->length == 0) { $scaleRanges = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('GridScaleRange'); if ($scaleRanges->length > 0) { //Draw the image imagecopy($image, $rasterIcon, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); //Draw the label //imagettftext($image, $fontSizePt, 0, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $textColor, $font, $layer->GetLegendLabel()); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $layer->GetLegendLabel(), $textColor); $offsetY += $yPad; $offsetY += $iconHeight; return; } else { $scaleRanges = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName('DrawingLayerDefinition'); if ($scaleRanges->length > 0) { //Draw the image imagecopy($image, $dwfIcon, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); //Draw the label //imagettftext($image, $fontSizePt, 0, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $textColor, $font, $layer->GetLegendLabel()); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $layer->GetLegendLabel(), $textColor); $offsetY += $yPad; $offsetY += $iconHeight; return; } } } //print_r("Processing layer (".$layer->GetLegendLabel()."). Scale range count: ".$scaleRanges->length."
"); for ($sc = 0; $sc < $scaleRanges->length; $sc++) { $scaleRangeObj = NULL; $scaleRangeObj->styles = array(); $scaleRange = $scaleRanges->item($sc); $minElt = $scaleRange->getElementsByTagName('MinScale'); $maxElt = $scaleRange->getElementsByTagName('MaxScale'); $minScale = "0"; $maxScale = 'infinity'; // as MDF's VectorScaleRange::MAX_MAP_SCALE if ($minElt->length > 0) $minScale = $minElt->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($maxElt->length > 0) $maxScale = $maxElt->item(0)->nodeValue; //Style is within our scale if (($minScale == "0" && $maxScale == "infinity") || ($scale >= floatval($minScale) && $scale <= floatval($maxScale)) || ($maxScale == "infinity" && $scale >= floatval($minScale))) { $styleIndex = 0; if (!IsThemed($scaleRange, $gt)) { //print_r($layer->GetLegendLabel()." - ".$ldfId->ToString()." - Un-themed layer (geomType: $gt)
"); $icon = $mappingService->GenerateLegendImage($ldfId, $scale, $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $iconFormat, $gt, 0); $sink = new MgByteSink($icon); $tempImage = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "mgo_icon" . uniqid(); $sink->ToFile($tempImage); $iconImg = imagecreatefrompng($tempImage); //Draw the image imagecopy($image, $iconImg, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); imagedestroy($iconImg); unlink($tempImage); //Draw the label //imagettftext($image, $fontSizePt, 0, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $textColor, $font, $layer->GetLegendLabel()); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $layer->GetLegendLabel(), $textColor); $offsetY += $yPad; $offsetY += $iconHeight; } else { if ($scaleRange->getElementsByTagName("CompositeTypeStyle")->length > 0) { $typeStyles = array(4 => "CompositeTypeStyle"); $ruleNames = array(4 => "CompositeRule"); } else { $typeStyles = array(1 => "PointTypeStyle", 2 => "LineTypeStyle", 3 => "AreaTypeStyle"); $ruleNames = array(1 => "PointRule", 2 => "LineRule", 3 => "AreaRule"); } //print_r($layer->GetLegendLabel()." - ".$ldfId->ToString()." - Themed layer ()
"); //Draw the theme icon imagecopy($image, $themeIcon, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); //Draw the themed layer label //imagettftext($image, $fontSizePt, 0, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $textColor, $font, $layer->GetLegendLabel()); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $layer->GetLegendLabel(), $textColor); $offsetX += $xIndent; $offsetY += $yPad; $offsetY += $iconHeight; //for($ts=0, $count = count($typeStyles); $ts < $count; $ts++) foreach ($typeStyles as $ts => $styleName) { //print_r(" - Checking $styleName ($ts)
"); $typeStyle = $scaleRange->getElementsByTagName($styleName); $catIndex = 0; //print_r(" -- Found ".$typeStyle->length." elements
"); for($st = 0; $st < $typeStyle->length; $st++) { $styleObj = NULL; // We will check if this typestyle is going to be shown in the legend $showInLegend = $typeStyle->item($st)->getElementsByTagName("ShowInLegend"); if($showInLegend->length > 0) { if($showInLegend->item(0)->nodeValue == "false") { //print_r("Skipping $styleName in (".$layer->GetLegendLabel().") because ShowInLegend is: ".$showInLegend->item(0)->nodeValue."
"); continue; // This typestyle does not need to be shown in the legend } } $rules = $typeStyle->item($st)->getElementsByTagName($ruleNames[$ts]); for($r = 0; $r < $rules->length; $r++) { $rule = $rules->item($r); $label = $rule->getElementsByTagName("LegendLabel"); $labelText = $label->length==1? $label->item(0)->nodeValue: ""; $icon = $mappingService->GenerateLegendImage($ldfId, $scale, $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $iconFormat, $ts, $catIndex++); $sink = new MgByteSink($icon); $tempImage = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "mgo_icon" . uniqid(); $sink->ToFile($tempImage); $iconImg = imagecreatefrompng($tempImage); //Draw the image imagecopy($image, $iconImg, $offsetX, $offsetY, 0, 0, $iconWidth, $iconHeight); imagedestroy($iconImg); unlink($tempImage); //Draw the label //imagettftext($image, $fontSizePt, 0, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $textColor, $font, $layer->GetLegendLabel()); imagestring($image, $fontIndex, ($offsetX + $xPad + $iconWidth), $offsetY, $labelText, $textColor); $offsetY += $yPad; $offsetY += $iconHeight; if ($offsetY > $height) break; } } } $offsetX -= $xIndent; } } else { //print_r("[SKIP]: Layer (".$layer->GetLegendLabel()."). Current scale ($scale) does not fit scale range [$minScale to $maxScale]
"); } } } } function GetParameters() { global $sessionID, $mapName, $width, $height; $args = $_GET; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $args = $_POST; } // Not necessary to validate the parameters $sessionID = $args["session_id"]; $mapName = $args["map_name"]; $width = $args["width"]; $height = $args["height"]; } ?>