web->minscale == -1 ? MIN_SCALE : $oMap->web->minscale; $maxScale = $oMap->web->maxscale == -1 ? MAX_SCALE : $oMap->web->maxscale; //layers for ($i=0;$i<$oMap->numlayers;$i++) { $layer=$oMap->getLayer($i); /* rename layes names with invalid characters */ $layer->set("name",replaceInvalidLayerName($layer->name)); switch($layer->type) { case MS_LAYER_POINT: $type = 0; break; case MS_LAYER_LINE: $type = 1; break; case MS_LAYER_POLYGON: $type = 2; break; case MS_LAYER_RASTER: $type = 4; break; case MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION: $type = 8; break; default: $type = 0; } $displayInLegend = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('displayInLegend')); $expandInLegend = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('expandInLegend')); $legendLabel = $layer->getMetaData('legendLabel'); if ($legendLabel == '') { $legendLabel = $layer->name; } $selectable = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('selectable')); $editable = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('editable')); /* process the classes. The legend expects things * organized by scale range so we have to first * find all the scale breaks, then create ranges * for each scale break pair, then slot the classes * into the scale ranges that they apply to. */ $aScaleRanges = array(); //create a default scale range for the layer as a whole $layerMin = $layer->minscale == -1 ? $minScale : $layer->minscale; $layerMax = $layer->maxscale == -1 ? $maxScale : $layer->maxscale; /* check to see that the layer has a vaild scale range * inside the defined map's main min max scale ranges * set them to the maps scale ranges if they exceede */ if($layer->minscale != -1 && $layerMin < $minScale) $layerMin = $minScale; if($layer->maxscale != -1 && $layerMax > $maxScale) $layerMax = $maxScale; //find all the unique scale breaks in this layer $aScaleBreaks = array($layerMin, $layerMax); for ($j=0; $j<$layer->numclasses; $j++) { $oClass = $layer->getClass($j); $classMin = $oClass->minscale == -1 ? $layerMin : max($oClass->minscale, $layerMin); $classMax = $oClass->maxscale == -1 ? $layerMax : min($oClass->maxscale, $layerMax); if (!in_array($classMin, $aScaleBreaks)) { array_push($aScaleBreaks, $classMin); } if (!in_array($classMax, $aScaleBreaks)) { array_push($aScaleBreaks, $classMax); } } //sort them sort($aScaleBreaks); //create scale ranges for each pair of breaks for ($j=0; $jminScale = $aScaleBreaks[$j]; $scaleRange->maxScale = $aScaleBreaks[$j+1]; $scaleRange->styles = array(); array_push($aScaleRanges, $scaleRange); } //create classes and slot them into the scale breaks for ($j=0; $j<$layer->numclasses; $j++) { $oClass = $layer->getClass($j); $classObj = NULL; // Use formatted legend label as defined by CLASS->TITLE $classObj->legendLabel = $oClass->title != '' ? $oClass->title : $oClass->name; //$classObj->legendLabel = $oClass->name; $classObj->filter = $oClass->getExpression(); $classMin = $oClass->minscale == -1 ? $layerMin : max($oClass->minscale, $layerMin); $classMax = $oClass->maxscale == -1 ? $layerMax : min($oClass->maxscale, $layerMax); $classObj->minScale = $classMin; $classObj->maxScale = $classMax; $classObj->index = $j; for ($k=0; $kmaxScale && $classMax > $aScaleRanges[$k]->minScale) { array_push($aScaleRanges[$k]->styles, $classObj); } } } //$layerObj->scaleRanges = $aScaleRanges; $_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$mapName][$layer->name] = $aScaleRanges; } $scaleObj = NULL; $scaleObj->layers = array(); define('ICON_SIZE', 16); $nIconWidth = $oMap->legend->keysizex; $nIconHeight = $oMap->legend->keysizey; if ($nIconWidth <=0) $nIconWidth = ICON_SIZE; if ($nIconWidth <=0) $nIconWidth = ICON_SIZE; $nTotalClasses=0; $aIcons = array(); /*special case to force the the legend icons to be drawn using a gd driver This was fixed in ticket http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2682 which will be available for mapserver version 5.2.1 and 5.4 Note that we do not check the outputformat of the map (assuming that we are using GD or AGG renderers) */ $nVersion = ms_GetVersionInt(); if ($nVersion <= 50200) /*5.2 and before*/ $oMap->selectOutputFormat("png24"); for($i=0;$i<$oMap->numlayers;$i++) { $layer = $oMap->getLayer($i); if (isset($_SESSION['scale_ranges']) && isset($_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$mapName]) && isset($_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$mapName][$layer->name])) { $scaleranges = $_SESSION['scale_ranges'][$mapName][$layer->name]; $layerObj = NULL; $layerObj->uniqueId = $i; /*generate the legend icons here*/ $nScaleRanges = count($scaleranges); for ($j=0; $j<$nScaleRanges; $j++) { $nStyles = count($scaleranges[$j]->styles); for ($k=0; $k<$nStyles; $k++) { $nClassIndex = $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->index; $oClass = $layer->getClass($nClassIndex); $oImg = $oClass->createLegendIcon($nIconWidth, $nIconHeight); array_push($aIcons, $oImg); $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->icon_x = ($nTotalClasses*$nIconWidth); $scaleranges[$j]->styles[$k]->icon_y=0; $nTotalClasses++; } } $layerObj->scaleRanges = $scaleranges; array_push($scaleObj->layers, $layerObj); } } if ($nTotalClasses > 0) { //set the image path and image dir based on what fusion config file $configObj = $_SESSION['fusionConfig']; $original_imagepath = $oMap->web->imagepath; $original_imageurl = $oMap->web->imageurl; if (isset($configObj->mapserver->imagePath) && $configObj->mapserver->imagePath !="") $oMap->web->set("imagepath", $configObj->mapserver->imagePath); if(isset($configObj->mapserver->imageUrl) && $configObj->mapserver->imageUrl!="") $oMap->web->set("imageurl", $configObj->mapserver->imageUrl); //build and image containing all the icons and return url $nTmpWidth = $oMap->width; $nTmpHeight = $oMap->height; $oMap->set("width", $nTotalClasses*$nIconWidth); $oMap->set("height", $nIconHeight); $oImage = $oMap->prepareImage(); $oMap->set("width", $nTmpWidth); $oMap->set("height", $nTmpHeight); for ($i=0; $i<$nTotalClasses;$i++) $oImage->pasteImage($aIcons[$i], -1, $i*$nIconWidth, 0); $scaleObj->icons_url = $oImage->saveWebImage(); $scaleObj->icons_width = $nIconWidth; $scaleObj->icons_height = $nIconHeight; $oMap->web->set("imagepath", $original_imagepath); $oMap->web->set("imageurl", $original_imageurl); } } function replaceInvalidLayerName($szLayerName){ /* bug http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/96 - Invalid characters in layer name (pdeschamps) Fusion requests the map imavge via the Mapserver CGI to toggle the layer visibility. The layer paramerter for the cgi uses spaces as a delimiter for the layer names this creates an issue for the mapserver binary to toggle layers that have these reserved URI characters. also removing characters that could pose potential issues with json. */ $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters = array(); $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[0] ="&"; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[1] =" "; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[2] ="#"; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[3] ="\\"; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[4] ="="; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[5] ="/"; $aInvalidLayerNameCharacters[6] ="'"; $aReplace[0] = "_"; $aReplace[1] = "_"; $aReplace[2] = "_"; $aReplace[3] = "_"; $aReplace[4] = "_"; $aReplace[5] = "_"; $aReplace[6] = "_"; return str_replace($aInvalidLayerNameCharacters,$aReplace,$szLayerName); } header('Content-type: application/json'); header('X-JSON: true'); echo var2json($scaleObj); exit; ?>