ESRI Personal GeoDatabase

OGR optionally supports reading ESRI Personal GeoDatabase .mdb files via ODBC. Personal GeoDatabase is a Microsoft Access database with a set of tables defined by ESRI for holding geodatabase metadata, and with geometry for features held in a BLOB column in a custom format (essentially Shapefile geometry fragments). This drivers accesses the personal geodatabase via ODBC but does not depend on any ESRI middle-ware.

Personal Geodatabases are accessed by passing the file name of the .mdb file to be accessed as the data source name. On Windows, no ODBC DSN is required. On Linux, there are problems with DSN-less connection due to incomplete or buggy implementation of this feature in the MDB Tools package, So, it is required to configure Data Source Name (DSN) if the MDB Tools driver is used (check instructions below).

OGR treats all feature tables as layers. Most geometry types should be supported, including 3D data. Measures information will be discarded. Coordinate system information should be properly associated with layers.

Currently the OGR Personal Geodatabase driver does not take advantage of spatial indexes for fast spatial queries, though that may be added in the future.

By default, SQL statements are passed directly to the MDB database engine. It's also possible to request the driver to handle SQL commands with OGR SQL engine, by passing "OGRSQL" string to the ExecuteSQL() method, as name of the SQL dialect.

How to use PGeo driver with unixODBC and MDB Tools

This article gives step-by-step explanation of how to use OGR with unixODBC package and how to access Personal Geodatabase with PGeo driver.


  1. Install unixODBC >= 2.2.11
  2. Install MDB Tools >= 0.6. I also tested with 0.5.99 (0.6 pre-release).


There are two configuration files for unixODBC:

Format of configuration files is very simple:

entry1 = value
entry2 = value

For more details, refer to unixODBC manual.

1. ODBC driver configuration

First, you need to configure ODBC driver to access Microsoft Access databases with MDB Tools. Add following definition to your odbcinst.ini file.

[Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)]
Description = MDB Tools ODBC drivers
Driver     = /usr/lib/
Setup      =
FileUsage  = 1
CPTimeout  =
CPReuse    =

2. ODBC data source configuration

In this section, I use 'sample.mdb' as a name of Personal Geodatabase, so replace this name with your own database.

Create .odbc.ini file in your HOME directory:

$ touch ~/.odbc.ini

Put following ODBC data source definition to your .odbc.ini file:

Description = Sample PGeo Database
Driver      = Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
Database    = /home/mloskot/data/sample.mdb
Host        = localhost
Port        = 1360
User        = mloskot
Password    =
Trace       = Yes
TraceFile   = /home/mloskot/odbc.log

Step by step explanation of DSN entry:

Testing PGeo driver with ogrinfo

Now, you can try to access PGeo data source with ogrinfo.

First, check if you have PGeo driver built in OGR:

$ ogrinfo --formats
Supported Formats:
  ESRI Shapefile

Now, you can access your Personal Geodatabase. As a data source use PGeo:<DSN> where <DSN> is a name of DSN entry you put to your .odbc.ini.

ogrinfo PGeo:sample_pgeo
INFO: Open of `PGeo:sample_pgeo'
using driver `PGeo' successful.
1. ...
After you run the command above, you should get list of layers stored in your geodatabase.

Now, you can try to query details of particular layer:

ogrinfo PGeo:sample_pgeo <layer name>
INFO: Open of `PGeo:sample_pgeo'
using driver `PGeo' successful.

Layer name: ...


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