GDAL Binary Distribution for Windows ==================================== This distribution contains files necessary to use GDAL utility applications, as well as library and include files necessary to compile and link other programs against GDAL. It also include support for using GDAL from Python 2.0. Local information about GDAL can be found in html\index.html. eg. start html\index.html Central information can be found at: Installation ------------ It is sufficient to unzip this distribution somewhere on your harddrive, and add the GDALxxx\BIN directory to your path (where xxx is the version). Alternatively, just copy the contents of the BIN directory to somewhere in your path. For those wanting to develop with GDAL using VC++ commandline tools, a small setup script has been written to update the environment appropriately. To use it, edit SETUP_GDAL.BAT, and modify the GDAL_DIR environment to point to where GDAL has been put. Then run SETUP_GDAL.BAT in a DOS window before trying to compile against GDAL. Utility Programs ---------------- The following GDAL and OGR utility programs should be available in the bin directory. Visit the GDAL web page for more information on the utility programs. gdalinfo.exe: Report summary information about a GDAL supported raster file. gdal_translate.exe: Translate GDAL supported raster files into other formats. gdaladdo: Add overviews to selected GDAL supported formats. ogrinfo: Dump information about OGR supported vector formats. ogr2ogr: Translate OGR supported vector formats to OGR supported formats. More Detailed Manifest ---------------------- BIN All distributed executables, and the DLLs required for them. The GDAL11.DLL is the main GDAL/OGR DLL. PROJ.DLL is the PROJ.4 DLL used by GDAL for reprojection. HTML Web pages, a snapshot of the web pages at the time the distribution was prepared. INCLUDE GDAL and OGR include files. LIB GDAL/OGR libraries. GDAL.LIB is the omnibus GDAL/OGR static library. GDAL_I.LIB is the stub (interface) library for the GDAL11.DLL. Link against GDAL_I.LIB to use the DLL. DATA Data files required by OGRSpatialReference and the GDAL GeoTIFF driver for looking up EPSG coordinate systems. Define GEOTIFF_CSV to point to the directory where these files are found. PYMOD Python extensions for GDAL. Add this directory to your PYTHONPATH to use from python. Supported Formats ----------------- The html\formats_list.html document contains a generic list of supported formats for GDAL, but the following issues should be kept in mind for standard builds on Windows: GDAL: o OGDI is omitted. o FITS is omitted. o GRASS omitted. o JPEG, PNG, GeoTIFF are all using internal library code. OGR: o OGDI omitted. o PostgreSQL omitted.