This code is from giflib 4.1.6 This seems to be the new location of the giflib project: Changes: o Select only lib files needed. o Hacked in O_BINARY support whereever O_BINARY is defined. o Modify include section of c files o Apply patch for o Apply Debian 01-cve.dpatch to fix CVE-2005-2974 and CVE-2005-3350 History: This package was originally written by Gershon Elber in 1990 on an IBM PC under MS-DOS using Borland Turbo C. He made it portable to several UNIX environments. v1.0 (4 Jul 89) created by Gershon Elber. v2.1 featured substantial changes and additions by Eric S. Raymond. Status: Current maintainer is Eric S. Raymond. GIFLIB is not under active development, but bug fixes are being accepted. License: The GIFLIB is available under terms of MIT License. Also, refer to COPYING file.