Important Drivers Restrictions : * PGCHIP driver is currently under development which means it has NOT been fully tested and no stable release is downloadable. * The driver only supports GDT_Byte and GDT_UInt16 datatypes and deals with 1 or 4 bands (GREY_SCALE, PALETTE and RGBA) * The column name for the chip is not yet changeable and is "raster" by default * In order to specify the database you want to connect to, you have to give a connection string. The differents connection parameters (host,port,dbname) must be delimited with a "#" character. The name of the Postgis layer should be given at the end of the string after a "%layer=" argument. Example : $ gdalinfo PG:host= How can I test the driver : * You can choose to build your own application using the GDAL API or use the utility programs. * Some examples with gdal_translate : Import BMP raster : gdal_translate -of pgchip /DATA/myRaster.bmp PG:host= Then export to PNG : gdal_translate -of png -ot UInt16 PG:host= /DATA/myRaster.png Author information and bug report : website : email :