Rasterlite - Rasters in SQLite DB

Starting with GDAL 1.7.0, the Rasterlite driver allows reading and creating Rasterlite databases.

Those databases can be produced by the utilities of the rasterlite distribution, such as rasterlite_load, rasterlite_pyramids, ....
The driver supports reading grayscale, paletted and RGB images stored as GIF, PNG, TIFF or JPEG tiles. The driver also supports reading overviews/pyramids, spatial reference system and spatial extent.

Wavelet compressed tiles are not supported by default by GDAL, unless the EPSILON driver is compiled.

GDAL/OGR must be compiled with OGR SQLite driver support. For read support, linking against spatialite library is not required, but recent enough sqlite3 library is needed to read rasterlite databases. rasterlite library is not required either.

For write support a new table, linking against spatialite library *is* required.

Although the Rasterlite documentation only mentions GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG and WAVELET (EPSILON driver) as compression formats for tiles, the driver supports reading and writing internal tiles in any format handled by GDAL. Furthermore, the Rasterlite driver also allow reading and writing as many bands and as many band types as supported by the driver for the internal tiles.

Connexion string syntax in read mode

Syntax: 'rasterlitedb_name' or 'RASTERLITE:rasterlitedb_name[,table=raster_table_prefix][,minx=minx_val,miny=miny_val,maxx=maxx_val,maxy=maxy_val][,level=level_number]

where :

Creation issues

The driver can create a new database if necessary, create a new raster table if necessary and copy a source dataset into the specified raster table.

If data already exists in the raster table, the new data will be added. You can use the WIPE=YES creation options to erase existing data.

The driver does not support updating a block in an existing raster table. It can only append new data.

Syntax for the name of the output dataset: 'RASTERLITE:rasterlitedb_name,table=raster_table_prefix' or 'rasterlitedb_name'

It is possible to specify only the DB name as in the later form, but only if the database does not already exists. In that case, the raster table name will be base on the DB name itself.

Creation options


The driver supports building (if the dataset is opened in update mode) and reading internal overviews.

If no internal overview is detected, the driver will try using external overviews (.ovr files).


See Also: