This file lists the backwards incompatible changes in the Perl bindings API in version 2.0. There are numerous other changes but they are meant to be non-breaking. To be on the safe side, new code should be written according to what is presented in the documentation. constructors: Geo::GDAL does not use the "create" constructors any more. All constructors are called "new" and use the new syntax. This applieds to classes Geo::GDAL::ColorTable, Geo::OGR::Feature, Geo::OGR::FeatureDefn, Geo::OGR::FieldDefn, Geo::OGR::GeomFieldDefn, Geo::OGR::Geometry, and Geo::OSR::SpatialReference. class Geo::GDAL::GCP: attributes GCP* are renamed as * (the prefix GCP is removed) many classes: Class attributes (arrays or hashes with upcase names) may have been (re)moved, accessor functions which return lists, like GeometryTypes(), are the replacement. Geo::OSR::SpatialReference: Overloading to "", and = have been removed. Use explicit method call As('PrettyWKT') instead. Geo::OGR::Layer Tuple requires now the geometry fields as last. Geo::OGR::Feature Tuple requires now the geometry fields as last. Geo::OSR Projection and other constants (strings) are now mixed case, as the values in GDAL.