
(GDAL/OGR >= 2.1)

This driver can connect to the AmigoCloud API services. GDAL/OGR must be built with Curl support in order for the AmigoCloud driver to be compiled.

The driver supports read and write operations.

Dataset name syntax

The minimal syntax to open a AmigoCloud datasource is :

Additional optional parameters can be specified after the ':' sign. Currently the following one is supported :

If several parameters are specified, they must be separated by a space.

If no datset_id is provided, the driver will print list of available datasets for given project.

  • For example: "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets"
        List of available datasets for project id: 1234
        | id        | name
        | 5551      | points
        | 5552      | lines

    Configuration options

    The following configuration options are available :


    All the access permissions are defined by AmigoCloud backend.

    Authenticated access is obtained by specifying the API key given in the AmigoCloud dashboard web interface. It is specified with the AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY configuration option.


    The OGR driver will report as many geometry fields as available in the layer, following RFC 41.


    The driver will forward any spatial filter set with SetSpatialFilter() to the server. It also makes the same for attribute filters set with SetAttributeFilter().

    Write support

    Dataset creation and deletion is possible.

    Write support is only enabled when the datasource is opened in update mode.

    The mapping between the operations of the AmigoCloud service and the OGR concepts is the following :

    When inserting a new feature with CreateFeature(), and if the command is successful, OGR will fetch the returned amigo_id (GUID) and use hash value of it as the OGR FID.

    The above operations are by default issued to the server synchronously with the OGR API call. This however can cause performance penalties when issuing a lot of commands due to many client/server exchanges.

    Layer creation options

    The following layer creation options are available:


  • Different ways to provide AmigoCloud API token:
        ogrinfo --config AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw -al "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets=987"
        ogrinfo -oo AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw -al "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets=987"
        env AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw ogrinfo -al "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets=987"
        export AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
        ogrinfo -al "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets=987"
  • Show list of datasets.
        $ ogrinfo -ro "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets"
        List of available datasets for project id: 1234
        | id        | name
        | 5551      | points
        | 5552      | lines
  • Accessing data from a public table:
    ogrinfo -ro "AmigoCloud:1234 datasets=1234,1235"

  • Creating and populating a table from a shapefile:
    ogr2ogr --config AMIGOCLOUD_API_KEY abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw -f AmigoCloud "AmigoCloud:1234" myshapefile.shp

    See Also