Refactor notes about GDAL NetCDF driver - PDS ============================================= (Refactor notes as a reminder as work progresses.) Layout: ------- * PDS: Should details of CF-1 conventions be moved to their own header/C file for clarity? * This would support future efforts to add back-compat for CF-1 conventions less than CF-1.5 ... Projection: major refactors --------------------------- * Should we try to refactor the SetProjection to also use the mapped arrays? * Should we look at the C LibCF for working with NetCDF files, or is that an unwanted extra dependency? (Well, for Geotiff etc they appear to distribute a version of libtiff with GDAL). Projection issues-specific: --------------------------- * Is there a good way to better connect the CF-1 standard name of projections, with its required grid attributes? * ET suggests a mapping struct array for this too. * Note: in NCDFWriteProjAttribs(), this can be cleaned up considerably if/when we remove the previous fallback behaviour. * Current export to NetCDF behaviour implied by poNetcdfSRS in Dataset.h is to export all projections, even if CF-1 doesn't explicitly support? * Pro: _if_ we also exported lat/lon, you could probably still view the data as some sort of grid in NetCDF, even if real proj info didn't work * Con: its currently giving a false impression that the projection export is supported, when it isn't really. * Suggested: we should probably keep the ability to read WKT as a 'fallback' IFF no relevant grid_mapping tags found. (And perhaps check they match if both are present.) * Polar stereo: requires some remapping / manual manipulation? * Mercator: 1SP General TODOs ------------- * Update test to: * Access some point locations in gdal with both using gdallocationinfo * Use a CF-1 compliance checker optionally? * Import back in to TIFF again, check file still same projection, extents, and several locations are still valid. * Open the files in NetCDF Java, and test they are gridded files? * GDAL Followups * (D) Mercator - 2SP (Sent to mailing list ... ) (Turns out it's due to GeoTiff not supporting Mercator_2SP - and so the driver just silently writes mercator_1SP. * (O) Stereographic and Ortho_Stereographic (Reported as GDAL:#4267) * Note: Frank W says in the trunk he's just updated to latest EPSG definitions, so could be worthwhile re-testing some of these. * CF-1 followups: (TODO: Waiting on access to CF-1 trac to be able to report these ... ) * Polar stereographic - ask for guidance on what the coords mean. * Lambert Cylindrical equal area ... the 'scale_factor_at_projection' not covered by OGC WKT or Proj4? * 3/10: General support of Datums/coords/OGC WKT stuff: * Got email reply that Phil Bentley is considering a proposal here (apparently he was driver behind main CF-1 updates) * IDV/NetCDF Java/CF-1 followups: (O: Sent email to to ask for input) * AZ equidistant not loading * LCEA not loading * Mercator 1SP ... loads in IDV, but then doesn't display properly (no valid projection) (Updated 3/10/2011) (Minor ups 6/10/2011)